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� <br />� <br />� <br />The developer amended the plan to be consistent with the <br />approved plan. <br />2. Rosedale Marketplace Project. <br />Discussions and corrections have occurred concerning <br />�uilding configuration, screen walls, signage, landscaping <br />and landscape bond requirements. Also, a Cer�tificate of <br />Occupancy was not issued for the Chili's Restaurant until <br />proper barricades were in place to insure the site was safe <br />for customers. <br />Staff has also been involved on an on-going basis� with the <br />following two proj ,:ts which were completed previously: <br />1. Ha� Nlar pro;ect to insure that the landscape buffer which <br />was required along the south and east sides of the praperty <br />is being properly replaced and maintained. <br />2. The City was also involved with the Rosedale Commons project <br />concerning landscaping, signage, and proper trash enclosures <br />and screening. <br />In summary, staff is working to insure that projects are properly <br />construGted in accordance with City �approvals. We do this by <br />withh4lding permits or Certificate of Occupancy until al.l items <br />ar� properly completed. The Planning and Zoning Administrator <br />inspects each project to insure that all conditions of City <br />approvals are met. The Planning and Zoning Administrator must <br />sign off on all projects before Cc�rtificate of Occupancies are <br />issued. W� als� work with projects to insure that they continue <br />to be maintained in accordance witY� original appravals. <br />