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Elemplary Performance Standards <br />2. Le�Tel of �,ffort: <br />A. The project requires a sigr�ificant level of effort: <br />1) Two hours per week--tnirteen fuli wor:ting days. <br />F3�2 L <br />2) Tne person must handle regular duties very <br />eff iciently in order to "create" time for �he addi-` <br />tional work re�uired by the project. <br />B. ihe project does not cause the person'� daily ��ork to <br />fall below the acceptable level. <br />3. Quality of r�ork Plan: � <br />A. The praject's work plan lays out the major steps involved <br />in the proj�c�, a schedule for complztion of the <br />various steps, and a concrete, measurable result. <br />B. Suggest.ed format of project plan: <br />1} Bac?tground statement as to why the project is need�d. <br />2) The objective--defining what will be done, how i� <br />will be 3one, and when it will be done. T11is al�o <br />ir,cludes a description of the ztid resuit. <br />� 3) i�ieasurement statement--+�he format in w�iich the <br />results wiil be presznted or report�d to the <br />supervisor, anc3 the criteria by which th� supervisor <br />will eval�ate the results of the project. <br />i <br />