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''"" r 'rr..= <br />. <br />Efemplary Performance Standards <br />2. Level of �ffort: <br />• A. The project requires a si nif' <br />g icant level of effort: <br />� <br />� <br />1) Two nours per week--tnirteen fuli wor:cing days. <br />Fa�e 2 <br />2) The person must handle regular duties very <br />efficiently in order to "create" time for the addi- <br />tional work re�uired by the project. <br />B. The project does not cause the person'� dail <br />fa�l below the acceptable level. Y ��ork to <br />3. Qualitv of ►�ork Plan: � <br />A. The project's work plan lays out the major steps invol��ed <br />in the project, a scheduie for completion of the <br />various steps, and a concrete, measura�le resulL. <br />B. Suggested Format of project plan: <br />1) Background statement as to why ti�e project is needed, <br />2� The objective--defining what wi11 be done, how it <br />will be 3one, and when it will be done. This ai�o <br />includes a description oF th� �iid result. <br />3) �ieasurement statement--the format in wi�ich the <br />results will be pres�nted or reported to the <br />st�pervisor, and the criteria by which the supervisor <br />will evaluate the results of the project. <br />