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� ���r <br />�.. <br />• <br />� <br />� <br />���U'd '1 �' 89 15 � 4� BF.W I NC . <br />J�� y,/ � <br />f��� '\ i �i�, 'r ���.'.. <br />t, . •�� �,_ <br />;� ;� :;., � � ; �;: , <br />�, . <br />� November 17, 1989 <br />. %Q() TNIR4 S7RE�-�T �OUTN � M�►JNEAP06U. ���SOTA 55415 <br />Mr. �. Paul Dunn <br />Vic� President <br />Welsh CQmpanies, Inc� <br />�120Q West 78th�Stree� <br />Eden prairie, MN 553�4 <br />F . c%4 <br />C� C � ����L��� ,�e <br />a� <br />� <br />P�NNING <br />TFwn�s�►aa�r�r�oN <br />�J1G:NEERING <br />vaa�N oEs«r� <br />• Pf+OsdE:6�2r�70�o700 F,1�:64^r37o-is�� <br />� <br />Dsar paul, � <br />As pe� your request, I have reviewed the Metro Cauncll staff l�tter da�ed <br />November 3, 1989, and the November 8, 1989, letter from the City o� Rasev��]e <br />staff that states "Please have you� traffic consu�teni���eCaC� Th�rissuesain the <br />Council staff and address the issues outlined ir� h <br />Metro Council letter are: <br />o The trafflc impact study for Pavitian Piace was done for the peak hour of <br />the roads adjacent t� Pavilion P1ace and Rosedale taZ��of1TH�36 andUI�35W. <br />but 1t d�d not assess the impacts to reglanal roadw y <br />v Concern about the <br />took into account <br />the Tanurb Project <br />background trafglc assumptions� The Pavi�ion P1ace study <br />an expanded Rasedal�, but d��he�TwinCL��Ces�areaiC from <br />at Fairvlew and CR 8-2 and <br />The Metro Council staff is correct: the traffic study was cample�ed ior the <br />peak hour of the adjacent street system. 1'his was�a9�pe�a�d°RosedaleCs�traffic <br />Roseville, Roseville's consultant, Ramsey County s , <br />can3ultant. The estlmated trip dis�ribution of the slte�generated traff�c is <br />shown on Figure 7(copy attached) of the tratfi8a�tonrAschmans Inct�for�th� pro- <br />bas�d an the May 1988 draf t report prepared by <br />posed Rosedale Shopping Center expansion. The percent increase 1n tra�fic on 7H <br />36 and I-35W is signiPicantly less thanethe t�affic (10 per�ent increasey <br />required to change the level o� service, therefore, one can a�sume the impact is <br />�Qt 5lgnificant. , <br />When 6RW did the trafflc study we contac�ed the traffic consultants for Rosedaee <br />and the Tanurb Project. Rosedale a11owed their traffic consultant to cooperat <br />with BRW and share data. T�nu�y directed tt�eir consultant not to exchange spe- <br />ci�ic data. As you will remember, both projectsjncludentheir�t�aff�ic;tnarCdid <br />at the same time. Thus, i� was not poss�ble to <br />the City request it. The Ywin lakes area was not under active development to <br />�he besi af my knowledge; there�ore, it was not possibls to take it into <br />account. <br />,�t1:.F�ILAT� CF TI ti. DChNETL RI.VCAOSE.I4C��FtL�. J�v� ^+�pD; �C� IVC. CAOUP <br />D�v10 J aEN;�ETT JC.VAIJ',V, Pd:6RGS: Nk:H:.FO P wO�S►CID PaTER E. J�'!i3 J�'rvc�f�iCad G1.AOt�� TMOlM:B P C:.HH��LI. CFin�G A A�u.rA�.N ;,0`�a•::+ i. MUNT <br />MAWK G, E,.'WEt150h J�HN A. N.r%W►�:�PA R/CI1AR0 0. ?ILGRI`A CJ�I: N. l�CR►A.1nW OL=1ltit9 J. SUIL�FP �k�fkliY l, t1�.Ni0�V RAI.P!i �:• SL'J:•1 �:aw �. i.ii�f-,A;t <br />!v11NNEAPOLIS DENVER <br />PHOENIX TUCSbPJ �,.`T. PET=nSEU�G <br />