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< <br />� v,. <br />,.., <br />s NOV 1? '89 15�49 BRW INC. <br />• Mr. E. Paul Dunn <br />November 17, I989 <br />Pag� 2 <br />P.3i4 <br />However, as indicat�d in the Back.ground Tr�ffic Yalumes sect�on of the �raffic� <br />repor�, the add�tiona] traffic�generated by the propased Rosed�]e Shoppin� <br />Center expans9on wa$ taken into account and �he forecast ppak hour volumes were <br />increased orre percent per year to account far otiher growth from 1989 to 1992. <br />Yn my op�nion, i� is nct ask welsh Companies �a pay for a si n1�fi- <br />cant addit�onal eitort in a traffic s�udy far a project a]ready approved by the� <br />City. Twin Lakes� shou]d be taking ti�e three appraved projects (Rosedate, <br />Pavilion Place, and Tanurb) into account, not the other way around. <br />I sugges� you discuss w9th Raseville staff an atternat�ve to the9r proposal. <br />It you have any turti�er questions, cal] me. ��-� <br />Sinrereiy, <br />eRw, INC. <br />� , <br />� <br />Richard P. Woisfeld, AE, AICP <br />Principal <br />RPW/ jk�P <br />� <br />m <br />0 <br />