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. <br />� <br />�� <br />COMPLAINT PROCESS GOALS <br />GOAL #1: To investigate and resol�re <br />manner. <br />PERFORMANCE CRITE1�iA; <br />complaints in a timely � <br />1• Initial contact made or letter sent witY�in 3 <br />of complaint (4 days in interim , days of receipt <br />3-4 days before the ini.tial con act is�madel �� lt can take <br />number of people W�i�h have to lo eGause of the <br />Once the computer system is fullygop�ra�tional1eW �omplai.nts. <br />comfor�able with the new and people are <br />and Zoning Administrator wille be redu ed eal f the Plar.lnir�g <br />response time, lowing �ui�ker <br />2• 90% of a11 complaints should be resolved w� <br />receipt of complaint (80% in interim), lthin 2 w�eks of <br />3• 90� of all complaints in any given monthl <br />resolved (85% in interim). Y report should be <br />EVALUATION: <br />1• All departmental staff involved <br />evaluated annually on timeliness, in complaints will be <br />2• Monthly complaint report will be alte <br />information necessary to red to include <br />towards completing this properly evaluate performance <br />goal. <br />