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�,; <br />�:. <br />�:- <br />�. <br />.k= <br />E� <br />S.': _ <br />4. <br />(�`�lose cooperation of vario�rofessional groups <br />t�-'� is inc(ispensable in any urban transportation <br />program. This certainly applies to the city planner <br />and the traflic engineer. Ho�vever, many others ai-e <br />directly involved, such as the public �vorks director, <br />city engineer, pnli�e �f�'icial, transit o�cial, and <br />utility manager, as �vell as the county, state, and <br />Federal high�vay otTicials. All must participate since <br />urban transportation has so inany facets—plan- <br />ning, design, construc�ion, operation, and mainte- <br />nance. <br />To ttie extent possible inembers oE tliesc diffei•- <br />ent groups mus� perEorm as a team. Obviously it <br />must be recognized that each memuer has certain <br />individual assignments to carry out either by ]a�v <br />or administrative order. Generally speaking, lio�v- <br />ever, there is still ample latitude for the cooperative <br />effort tliat is neecled. <br />ror his part, the cicy planner is assigned the re- <br />sponsibility of developi;ig and guiding the imple- <br />tnciitation oE tlie comprellensive community plan. <br />Transportatian is one of the most important ele- <br />ments in such a�lan. �I'herefore, tl�e city planner, <br />oE necessi�y, must see that transp�rration iacilities <br />are intcgratcd ivitli otl�er key clements of the com- <br />munity j�lan. 'I� oE course, can be aclrieved oiily <br />by coorciinating h�s ef�orts �vith chose oF other.:pro- - <br />fessionals �vlio are responsiUle For building and <br />operating these facilities. The city planner mtist - <br />�veigh �vith the other ;roups the interrelationship : <br />bet�veen various elements of the compreliensive ' <br />plan. µ` <br />The traffic en�ineer's responsibility is to see that : <br />tl►e transportation system in a caminunity is oper- �. <br />� .,a_ <br />ated safely and efficiently. In tliis task he is inter - <br />r3 <br />ested in the planninb and designin� of tl�e trans- <br />portation facilities as they �vill ultimately affect��tlie � ``� <br />�, <br />operation oE the system. �-Ie is also interested in the w, <br />operational control measures such as traHic signals; ,; t�; <br />sibns, and markings, as �vell as the necessary laws � h���' <br />:,> <br />re�ulating traEiic required for safety �nd ef�iciency -' <br />{�. <br />In fact, he is concerned �vith any plans that �vill ., sf <br />f p '9 <br />affect desires and needs relatinb to the moveinent ,�_ <br />of people and boods. - x" <br />�� ,� <br />�` 7 <br />The goal of both city planners and traffic ei�gi _ � <br />� <br />neers should be t}ie development of a txnified trans `t� <br />r <br />portation program ttiat effectively fosters sound �_�`, <br />community development ancl assures saEe ancl effi- �` ,? � <br />, , <br />Cient transpartation services. � <br />i iz <br />SG <br />.�,, <br />� <br />DIVISION OT RESPONSIBII.ITY � : ; <br />'I"he Eollo�vin� atitlinc indicates thc �cneral rc�- <br />sp�nsibili�y vf the ciry ��ianner and thc tr�ffic en- <br />girtcer in various ph�ises of the transportation �ro- <br />grain. In carrying out tl►ese re.s�ansibilities, che <br />4y��c caE Goc�J�rrzti�n �ti�ill nat«rally dcpenci ��pc�r� tlic <br />stattt� �F transportation a�yd ather CUITllllllllt(Y <br />E�lans. 'tVhilc tl�e u'11'!S�)OI't1i1Ot� �)I11� ii11C� I111CI ll5C <br />��lan are urtcter clevrlolament, c:itics �vill «ndau��t- <br />�cily movc ahearl with varic�us ty�c•s �f projccts <br />dti�hiGh ���ill c;�ll f�,r colt�ctive �c:cicar�. Ic� this evcnt <br />it is csseneial thae thc� city pl�tiners and traf�ic en- <br />�ir���r gct tngt�thc�r as early :ts �xassit.�le i�Y thc dcvel- <br />�p�uriit u� sounci prc�jcets. <br />. <br />In coinmtiRiities �vhcre 1 cle(initc ti•ansport�- <br />ticm ��t�n rxists, tnti�ti af che c.c�o��c;ri�i��c �iFUa•t aticl <br />ii�cli��idu11 activ�� i��ilt, cxf cc�i�r�r, fac dircc�ed ta <br />G.�TgIERTNG <br />B�sic: co any s�uud ��hns�xy��ta�ir��� ���i�!] 15 � CflEl- <br />ti�iuixi� �►ct•�;�rt6i�rin� �yr����t»>. `I'his :�t�c�vc ail <br />rt��uir�s �c>c�}��r:ici��e a�:cic��i. I�ui• this s•cascm r�,� �'^ <br />s <br />�IAtiitl �CC�tilllllL[C� c�n Urt��n '1�rai�s�wx�tatian rc�- <br />GAilll11�I1C�S tlalt' 1 1�C�1til�I CC)[�rclinlcir�� �ornmitt�e <br />� <br />lae �.�talilisha:ct co �iucie tl�e �enerrol cc�lle�tion �t' <br />1'a�ccs �su� tlic cicvelop��tc�nt c�f tt�� trans��c�rtatiQi� <br />—'� .� �_. _ .. .. . . . . . . <br />c2� <br />r: � <br />.zr �' <br />tj <br />carrying out the l�lan ancl keeping it up to date :.; � s;� <br />ancl, tliei•efore, ���ill be concern�eci mainly �vich ��he '� �� <br />last portion oi c}ie outline. `�l `' <br />,; <br />� �. <br />I3ut, re�rdless of the stacus oL- transportation k"�' <br />plans iu an ar�a, there are maily routine chores tl�at ���`' <br />the city ��lanncr ��rd traf�c engineer must t�ckle , h��� <br />caoperatively. 7'he city planner in reviewing :site `�. <br />��1ii115 EUI• majai• developm�nts, or ro osed n�a'or �`'`�� <br />P P J ��� <br />clian�es in zoniti� clensiCies, sI�ould discliss suciz ;�:; <br />tll:ittCTS ��•ith clie traffic engin�er. T}ie traf�'ic en �;,;� <br />�inccr sliould revi�w ���icli the city plani7er majoi � `���� <br />O�)Cr1t1Qi11i CI11t"l��S SUCIl 1S OIlC-�Yay streets. On all � `~=�� <br />�. ��� � <br />ciaily aclmi��isti•ativc matters tllat impinge o�� one `�`�� <br />s <br />��nUthcr's ���oi•k, �t S111CCT� @�Ol•t must be made to �, : '��� <br />"�vc3Y•k „�ith" all interestcd parties. , `' `� � <br />�: <br />�; <br />,, , h <br />, ����� <br />'I'IiE r11CTS :� Y��` <br />v: � <br />� �': t iR-�i.. <br />pl:�n ai�d program. This carnmittee should include r'���� <br />tl�c ciry piannc�r and t.he traftic engineer, as` �vell. a5 ,:t �� t�' <br />ch� ��iil�lic ���c�rks dircccor, che city crigineer, txansit ,;i .` x,`'��" <br />9 k� <br />;ittct hi�;�h�vay ofiicials. Th� iiti��etus for tE�e �stal� ��.`'��?�' <br />,, � <br />lisi�mer�t Qt wli� prmgraaa� should come Erarn t�arious ;�:, �Y�,h�� <br />E��•nCc.�ssiai��l �rc�ups i»vc��ved, rhou�h the lea�ler '�' �"�;���r <br />shi�� shc�ulcl rest �vi�t� tt�c.� cap �ct�niiiistrativc of��c�al �`�`y� ,� <br />s„ r; <br />}r <br />. � �. ' -i '�a�Y'�s�i� <br />� <br />. . � , , , �rS���. <br />� a � <br />. . ' ti �6Z �Y,�{`����` . <br />� . . � � 17 �{I t. <br />i w �� <br />Y_$I! <br />. .. . � .,.�... _.ili u.��e.� ,i..\.t�`�u��'1�§:f'�� <br />