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-- - - j�-�+��i� ,�;���. <br />3. Deteriuination of trans :�tioii and terminal rvi <br />1 se ces�a means of determining appra <br />deficiencies priate standards <br />4. Farmulatio�i o� alternative solutions that `�• Tesrin� the various trans�ortatiou alternatives <br />should be considered inclt�dinb assi�nment �f traffic to t.he vari= ; � <br />City Pl�riiier's Restiansibility: ous proposed systems <br />3. lletermination of the several types and loca <br />1. Revie�v oE land use and density patterns to tion of transpoi-tation facilities ���ith xegard , <br />help formulate over-all objectives as to the to operational aspects �' <br />development ancl redevelopment oE the : r <br />rollo���ii�g tlie testing aE adequacy of tlie altei <br />community native proposals, an evaluation of each ,pioposal ' <br />2. Consideration of the dif�erent lancl use and - " ' <br />sliould ue inade. Yardsticks can be established' to <br />density alternatives that coulcl be realized �"' �^ <br />measiire tlie Uenefits to the traveling,ptiblic as �vell F <br />by the community , t : <br />as tlie i�npact t11at each plan �vill liave on commu a <br />3. Assessment of the effect that transpor- liity developrnent. Ha�c�ing ev�luatect� each �prop�sal � <br />tation plans �vould have on land develop- an �he b�,:;is o� these findings, the feehnical coorcli <br />ment nating committee can now recommend whicli plan , <br />�. Coordination of tl�e transp�rtation plan �vir.h is most ap��ropriate f�r tlie communzty. Generally - °'r <br />all other elements of tlle benei•al plan local la�v �vill require that tl-ie plan Ue. evaluatecl ,,� <br />and tlien adopted by the local" planning; agericy :,1 ,; k; <br />' Trn�'ic Eragineer's Ites�io�•�siGility: The n e c e s s a r y a�prova l o f t lie State Hig l�way. I.)e 3, �� <br />,, <br />1. R e v i e � v - o f e x i s u nb l e v e l o i eransportation partment should also be sought. �,`�` <br />, . ' `' ; � <br />`. - , <br />. � � t� <br />�; ,s <br />CARRYING OUT TH� PLAN � 4` <br />t�; <br />Tii carrying out tlie plan, a clase �vorking rela- plan, etc.) to foster tlie development o£ ttic ;� ='`a�� � <br />, �{�x <br />,` , txoiisl�i�� Uettveeri tlie variaus raEessi�nal �rou s :„»�. <br />p � P trailsportation plan. t, `� <br />c�.n-liel. p to ins ur e t lie logica l deve lapr�ient o f t he 2. Consulting cvitli the traf�ic eng7neer- tQ repoxt �`�`�� <br />transpeirtation prograzn, `vhiie at tlie saine time ori the' impact that various zoning changes `'��z�' <br />minimizing disrup�i.on of normal cornmunity ac- �vill have on trans�ortation problems ��,; <br />�: Ci�ities: Such a team i s e s�� e c i a l l y i m p o r t a n t � v i t h ,��� <br />t � . . . . . y Pu2 <br />` Tr�i�c ��zgiyteer's l,tes(�oresibility: ' J � <br />re ga�d to ,desi gii d e t a i l s t l� a t a ff e c t o p e r a t i o n a n d - ` <br />' ��� <br />coriimunity amenities. 1. �stablishing :-tlie necessaxy operatioiial and ���` y <br />�� <br />l l�i��ision of res�onsibility ae this stage �crould ve control measures ta assui�e sinooth traffi� :;`,tY � <br />" � � as foliows: . opera�ion cl_uring c,onstr�.CCCicin of. �aCillties . ` `� � <br />'t, � . � �� � � �; � � � � � � � � �, a ; ��`� <br />, �. lleterinination oE opera�ional measures ne� ����� <br />Jnz�at� Res�iansiUzlity; , ; ,,�,� <br />essai•y ta effeetuate ; the transportatian pro ��� <br />�.'T3etermining tlle exact lor.ation of proposec] posals ' � 5 �u��ti <br />'��{� <br />� trarisportation facilities 3. Review rviti� the ci�y planner prop�sed ix���ci� '�'x��,,i}� <br />� : . -. , [ , +:� �'f� 1YY .�}�S'� <br />` �.� Esta�ilishiiig tr�nsportation. iinprovement ri- . .�p <br />or�ties � � : tratlic aperational changes like ane way �"��� <br />3 � L���'i <br />; ' �. . .��. ` � ' ' t aj <br />_ s�reet ancl t}trough-streeC.�ir,obram � ,; � �''`��� <br />� ;3 ' Kee��ing the data and, plans tip to date �� �r� t� x�� <br />��$�� <br />y� _� ,� ��� y In. developing� and �: impl��metitrng t��� pta.n, �ll `, us ��;� <br />�Cxt Pla�t�ie�'s I�tes-�Qnsibilit : l�rofessianal.�o u p s h a v e a, r e s b n s i b i l i C t o',< i ri f c i''' ,:;, f4��°�' <br />1 ���staulxshiiig. the necessary �lanning ,progi-am the �ublic fully of.t:lieir actians::�'ublic su ' �`�rt £o"r $ „';w �u;';�� <br />' � , � , � hA, t �� r <br />'(o� -�s�reet parkina ��ancl load rec�uirements �� any trai�sporeation progzam �is znost essential, ai�d '�� �����;�.�� <br />� � in �zonia7; 'orclinances, rec�uiiremen�s .that ����this ��fact���iirnust be�recognizeii� during �ail hases�o'i` �;�:��``; ��'��� <br />sulidivisions, cc�nf��-m to. th�.�transpnrr.ation the pro�ram. P '��"� <br />� '� +. jf'�Z - <br />,. -�_ �. � ,, .. t r � I ,J� ; ��J,1� i <br />t -. � , : ! ��. ` . . " ' _ , _. Hh�?��� <br />, ,.p�� �,�' , _ . g � � <br />The term "res onsibil�t '' as :used throii hout ,this>: statement refers in nearl all cases to.. res onscbilit .> that � i's,� " ;' t�"'' r` �' :��'�' <br />„ . y . .. .. . ., ,:: P, ::::. ... X . . ; ...:shaxed, by other� �. � n-�.��„ <br />�: xhan.the city planner ar �he traffic et�gineer �specifiCally:_by the city engineer, tt�e pul�Dic_.;wprks director.;cransit�of�c►als:or;:co„nr.,���ar�f� .< ��.,,<���:��� <br />, . . ....,.,••L^::a......,.:L.-L--�--- -tt _�_�,_ . ._, . . <br />:: ., <br />,. the degree oE responsibility of`the �city pl� <br />rs. <br />�ommittec Members ` <br />--o-- '�.- r+ ..���.+���aai��i.awd"CRCC�.�1 <br />jr , O K Normann; Richard..:A Overmyer;: Ar�hur' T, R� <br />� > (4� , <br />