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� <br />MPC PLANNING MEM�DUM 6 � P8 <br />ge 2 <br />Zonfng R+egul��ion� for F�li-out Shelters 1.15.6Z <br />"3�ction... FALL-�iPT SHELTERS. Fall-out she�ters are pernnitted aa principai <br />or a�cessoYy uses and �tructures fn any district, �ubject to the yard and lot <br />�caverage �egulations of ithe di str�i,ct. Such shelters may contain or be cont�ineel <br />�� <br />fn o#t►er structures oc may be constructed separate�y, and in additton to �helter <br />use may be u�ed for any principal or accessory use permitted in #h� dfstrict, <br />subj�ct fio the distr�c� regula�ions on such uee, but shail not be us�d for pri�ci»� <br />pa� or �c�eaaory use� �arohi�ait�d expressly or by implication in the dtstrict." <br />That much o� the se��iLon takes care o� permit�ing the �+se in �y district. �h <br />.,�...a �..a �..+ .....__..__- --_ _--�- - � _ . , . . - - - - - <br />�overinc� shelt�rs, (or garages, storage sheds �r extara roQms will start sprou�ing <br />where they dan't belr�ng, plausibly d�fe�ded as being i�n p� f�l,l.-oui sheltersj . <br />In specific cases wher� e�ther yard or lot coverage regulations ere too toug� for <br />a part�cula�r lot, the �nswer would seem tc� be a variance. If � vari�nCe ia <br />_ . _ _. <br />grantse , it can be h�ciged with ssfoguards so th�t sheltea� is provided withaut <br />giving the own�r an edge over his neighbors. <br />E�ther in continu�tion o# the �upplementary regulat�on seC�ion started abov� op <br />at some other appropri�te place in the ordinanc� (maybe in a secti�n wher� �pe�ial <br />exception pr�visions are brought tagether, ff there is one) ther� are � couple of � <br />thing s to cle an up . <br />If $everel neighbor� wa�nt to $et together and b�ufld a'aint shelter, �treeldiing <br />Property lines, there are some real prc�periy own�rship �nd t�x pmb�ems; but in <br />� t�me of urg�ncy these sho�ld not �reyent practical and economica� provision <br />o� ea��rgency sefuge. , <br />Then ther� i� the matter of handling s�ecial except�on uses permis�ibie in the� <br />distxict. Th� l�nguage su�gested a�bave permits multiple u�� i# #he �dditio�nal <br />use is allowed gene�adly in the, �c�ne. Probably, t� lbe equita�le about ii, the <br />poss�tbility of combined usage should i�nclud� eppropr�ate uses p�rmissib�e by <br />apacis� exc�p�ion as well as those pernyitted outriglat. <br />. fior exemple+ if a prlvate s�ey nurserSr or kfn�derq�rt�n is permissiblm�-a� a. spaci�l <br />exceptican in a� �eatdential distriat, and if �om�ne comea up with m cambiflsad <br />�he�tea� end kindergarten pro�s�l �►hich r�eets ell the requir�ements for kinder- <br />g�rtena, there shauld be eame a�ra�ngement by which the Board af Adsustment c�n <br />p�ermit th� ah�lter to be used alsa ss � kindergarten. <br />C�# thase t�wo poi�ats, th� fallowirtq provision� mi$ht der. <br />"�'he ��a�d of �idju�tm+�nt ma� perm�t, a$ a�����+xl �s���i3on, con�tiu�tiA� oi <br />f ain� aheiter� by twc� or more pro�erty c�wners . V►�here e�ueh joint s�eitsr� axe <br />perm�tted, th� �oard may waiv� the s�de anai r�ar yard requfrem�nts on the <br />P�Ae�Y o�' Aro�pertfes d�rectly involved in the �ccanstructic�n of the j�ir�t ehelter ta <br />fihe eactent necessary to permit pr�c�t�al and efficien� loo�►tion and con�t�uctian, <br />prov�ded, ho�nrever, that ��de �nd rear y,a�+d requirements shail i�e met wl�ere <br />�pa�perty invo�ved in th� foing p�opoael +�bu�� ar �djofn� pro�►ert�r not included ir� <br />�ha �raposa�,. <br />