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-, '�► <br />MPC PLANNING MEN9'�DtJM 6 <br />Zaning Requlations for Fall-out Shelters <br />� <br />Page 3 <br />l.�s.s2 <br />"The Bosrd of Adjustment may permit a fall-out a�elter to be used also for othar <br />purrposes permissible as special exceptfon� in the district in which ti�e shelter <br />is located i# the Board finds that all of the general requirements of this ordin�:nce <br />concerning such speCial exceptions are satfs�'ied, and in addition est�blishes: <br />(a) that the use other than as a shelter f s compatible with the ��elter proposed; <br />(b) th�t the iunction as a shelt�er would not be m�terlally impaired by the proposed <br />use; and (c) that the special exception as to use would have been c�ranted �regard-� <br />less of whether the shelter was involved." <br />The final provision here shou�d put the brakes on tendencies to use the shelt�er <br />fsature as an enterinq wedge far obtaining special exceptions which might oth�r- <br />wis� have dubious merit. <br />About Yards <br />Once the questions oi use have been settled � the problem shi.fts . The klnd of <br />fall-c�ut shelters most likely to cause trouble in aonfng if zaning isn't ready for <br />thenn are those constructed outsi,de residences in residential distri�cts . H�re th� <br />G�+ucial� p�int se�ms to be yerds . <br />�n built-up areas t pressure for puttfnq fail-c��t shelters in required �erds is <br />lilrely to be pa�rthy an attempt et civil defense a�nd partly � move towarid civil <br />off�nse. Patriotism and �up►�sort of na�ion�l obi�ctives do notd a� a mattes of <br />sober �act, c:all #or the sa�r�fice of yards. This may get over�oak��d in the <br />�xcitement. <br />The purpas�� o� y�rds ir� t�sidQ�tia� area� �►r� to pravid� �p�n �pece around <br />buildinqs, to let the light in, to allc>w #ree flo�w o# air4 and ec�me othex things <br />wrai�ch are also decreasinql� im�ortant fn view af techno�agi�a� advance �ut <br />remein fizmly fixed in the folkla�r� of m�ny planners, �or�era, a�nd buiYder� . <br />A r�►c�nt defini�ion of a y�rd ta�cc�n f�rom the prapc�s+�d ortiinanc� ioa� Ct�l�mbia, 5, C. <br />r��ds a►s foLlawg: "A req�uired ap�n spac� unoccupied �nd �rada�tru�ted by �ny <br />building or by any stsucture c�r por�on of a atructure froan 30 fnches abav�� �� <br />g�enerall ground l�vel of the graded lot upwarad, providett, hnwevex. .;' he�e #�llow�c <br />miscellaneous d�►��il about clothes pale�, �'encea, yard furr�tur� ��d arn�ments+ <br />. St�rting �ram th�t d�finition, wh�re do vye stand "� it h�►s o�,e loopho�e which ap��M� <br />ther way Y� p�armit�in� und�rgre�und she�ters ir� requixcd yaa+dsp�if �1�� �ap do��n't <br />extend mare tha�ra 34 in�hes abov� the �ra�n�. Th� �ir intake could go u� mc�re <br />than thad under the �ar��e h�ading as clat�es pales. Butm the l�opho�e� i$ p�uq��ad <br />by another pravi�i�n "unac�upiad �n� �nobst�uc��d by �n� #�ul�d±R� s " �Y�A ��..�+�� <br />here seems t� be to str�k� pari of �he languag�, e�� tha�t the d�fi�i�.iom woul,d rea�r� <br />"A �quired ope�n spac� �noccupied and untabstructed iay ar�y s�ructure Qr portion <br />of a�tructur� #ro�n 3a inch�s abo�re the g�en�ral grr�und lev�l. .."' etc. <br />Thr�►fi would pe�rmit und�r�rround shelfi�t� ta +�o in y�rd� vv�itho�� u��rni�nimg the <br />�ener�l purpo�es of y�rd� . Similar m�nor opera�tions coul�i be p�rform�d an mast <br />ord�inanc�s, and it ia �nt�re�ly pa�8ib1� that scame �van�'t arequir� eny �hange. I� <br />do�� eeem reasn�able �a a11ow i�n$tall�►t�ona belaw grround ira rec�uired side� and <br />rear yards at lsast. <br />