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� <br />� <br />� <br />LJ <br />D�TE: <br />TO: <br />FROMe <br />SUB�TECT: <br />M E M O R A N D U� <br />April 24, 1990 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />Craig A. Waldron <br />Update of NCR <br />I had the opportunity to discuss the NCR situation with Deets <br />Mittlestadt today. Essentially, NCR is in the 6-8 week process <br />in which they are requesting the availability of funds to <br />facilitate a consolidation. At this point in time, NCR is <br />leaning towards Blaine although it is not a'�done deal�' in Deet�� <br />words. <br />Deets also informed me that 1�Il�1DOT is in a 6-8 month�.process in <br />which it.�3dentifies pre�erred sites. I was informed that MNDOT is <br />still �ry interested in Roseville. <br />