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� <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />M E M 0 R A N D U M <br />April 27, 1990 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />Craig A. Waldro <br />SUBJECT: Attached Memo <br />Based on the items depicted in Councilmember Thom3s' memo, I <br />would suggest the following: <br />1. Rick Jopke will be th�e �taf� membe� that will monitor the ; <br />ongoing constructiox�. In addition, Bab RosPnqixi�t will have <br />the day-to-day inspection responsibilities, and Bob will be <br />required to bring any problems tha� he ok�serves to our <br />atteniion immediately. <br />2. We �re well aware of the concerns r�lating to the fence. <br />Again, pre-construction meetirigs have accurred with Welsh <br />and Mr. Rosenquist is aware that the fence is a critical' <br />item relating to this project. We will be using the <br />existing sight line dra�rings for eac� addr�ss to in�ure i�hat <br />they properly meet the residents expecta�ion�. <br />3. Williams P�.peli�e has be�n contacted in wri�ing with respect <br />to the request to salvage �he tr�es and the shrubs. <br />4. With r�spect to the Cit.y lot, i will copy this memo to A'Ir. <br />Gatlin and Bierscheid. We can discuss the "spruce u�1t at a <br />Department I�ead meeting. <br />cc: Rick Jopke <br />Bob R�s�nquist <br />Bob Bierscheid <br />Steve Gatlin <br />