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h � <br />. <br />� <br />�J <br />DATE: <br />M E M O R A N D U M <br />April 11, 1990 <br />To: Steve Sarkozy � <br />���'ROM: Craig A. Waldron � <br />SUBJECT: Adel Alwan License Permit <br />I was extremely concerned r�garding parts of the Council <br />discussion relating to Mr. Alwan's request for a license. <br />Statements were made regarding the staff's specific di.rection to <br />Mr. Alwan relating to his permit and licensing considerations. I <br />would like to point out that when Mr. Alwan came to the City for <br />a meeting.with Howard Dahlgren and Rick Jopke on January 17, he <br />was immediatelv informed that a license would be required. To <br />that end, Nick Ensrude was brought in�o the meeting and discussed <br />the license requirements. Nick informed Mr. Alwan that he needed <br />an, address in order to apply for a license, not a complete <br />buildina totally prepared for such a gaming use. Mr. Dahlgren's <br />notes of January 17 corroborate this point. <br />From the Community Development Department's perspective, Mr. <br />Alwan's request is a permitted use. Thus, if he so requested, he <br />could proceed with his building permit. However, Mr. Alwan was <br />continuallX informed that a license was required and he was <br />proceeding at his own risk in terms of his permit. <br />In summary, Mr. A]�wan was well aware of the licensing requirement <br />relati.nq to his amusement center. Additionally, he was <br />continuallv warned that even though he had a permitted use, and a <br />permit could be granted, he was proceeding at his own risk based <br />on the City licensing requirem�nts which required Council <br />approval. <br />T <br />