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J <br />of 52 feet. The entrance area itself is 13x20 feet. They <br />propose to put signage on this awning which would total 324 total <br />. square feet. On the north side, there are additional signs {2) <br />on the building totalling 64 square feet, thus the total square <br />footage on the north side of the }auilding and the proposed sign <br />would be 298 square feet. There is additional signage on the <br />south side as well, though Mr. McLeczko was not aware of that <br />actual square footage. <br />This site has a signage allowance on the building of 150 square <br />feet whici� includes an allowance for additional area because of <br />its large setback along Snelling Avenue. We informed Mr. <br />McLeczko that if the awning were over a walk way, that just a <br />portion of the awning would have to be figured for signage. For <br />�his purpose, the ordinance states that the sign area should be <br />measured 6" around the periphery of the lette�s. kiowever, if the <br />"araning" is merely an extension to the building and back lit with <br />siqnage, then it becomes an "attention qetting devi.ce" (as <br />described in the ordinance) and thus, must be measur�d as <br />signage. We suggested that if he take the signs off the awnings <br />on th� sides, then we could use the 6" rule �or measurement <br />around the siqn in front. Another m�thod would be to r�move some <br />of the signage from the sides of the building to reduce the s�gn <br />area . <br />Karl Keel also notsd the problem of �he "ac�ning" as p�roposea <br />which would extend above the roof line and would create a design <br />� and code problem f4r the roof structur�. Wh�rever such a parapet <br />i� buil� above a flat roof, the roof has to be d�s,igned to handle <br />a much larger snow load th�n a normal �0 �er square foot, W� <br />�ugc�ested, therefo�e, that it would E�� imperative th�t th�y ha�ve <br />a prafessional enqaneer an�lyze the structure so as to m�kQ sur� <br />that this portion oP th� code is h�n�dl�d. �a�ed on �rris <br />information, he is qoing to discuss this wi�h his clier�t and <br />consider ad�ustments to the plan to meet the building coda and <br />sign ordinance. <br />3. Alwan (378-A476) <br />Ade1 A�wan i� a forn�er olympi�n fram Iraq, who d�fe�t�d in 197G <br />to th� Unit�d States �nd currently works for i�on�ywP11. Ne notes <br />that he anticip�tes being "r�dundant'� �oon �nd is c�nsidering <br />ways to go i.nto b�siness in th� Roseville ar�a. N� is lookinq at <br />the former vacant grocery store (2,000 sg: f�et) northeast <br />q�aadrant of Coun�y Road B and Dale Str�et. Last week h� was� in <br />talking about a�nt�rt�inment ��nterf poo� facility. Tt�i� �.�me <br />he was di�cussing the criteria and regulations r�lat�.ng to an oEf <br />sale liquor store. We ascertained tha� the site tzas 12 parking <br />spaces, two of which are p�rali�l parkinc�. t1e discussed this at <br />length with him, however, the highly com��titive nature of an o�f <br />sal� liquor store �nd the difficulties of a small �tore competing <br />with the larger chain. �de not�d that ther� ar� �hree liquor <br />stor�s on Rzce Street, a short dist�nce �c��y, and that the <br />� location of the existing MGM outaets in the area surround th� <br />