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� <br />� <br />� <br />We discussed licensing procedures and <br />location he proposes. ecial use permit <br />zoning regulations. This use would require a Sp . Mr. Alwan is <br />in a B-3 district which applies to this property <br />ativel uninformed about the nature of liquor aist�ed� taealaof <br />rel Y cautioning him to seek q <br />sales, so we were merely He wi11 <br />information before proceeding with Sone aof 1 which e may be the <br />continue to pursue other ideas, e�itted use in the B- <br />entertainment center ap�roach, which is a p <br />3 district. <br />4 , Rosene ( 636--4600) <br />osene a principal in Honostro, Rosene and visedlsiteW plans <br />B o b R � Tom A n d e r s o n t o r e v i e w r e <br />with their architect, at 2335 Highway 3�, west or <br />for th8 expansion o f t h e i r buildin g <br />Mr. Jopke re�iewed the <br />F u l ham Street an east of Fulham pond. roved <br />t h e C i t y � w��ch lncluded <br />recards and noted t�t for Ja l site lplan approval, � <br />a special use pern► <br />their existing site and the four hou�es t u�he e�i� ir�cluded�the <br />�-4 at tha� time. �he �pecial P <br />a�lso 2oned <br />follo��.ng conditions: <br />1. <br />� <br />Subja�t to s�aff approval of <br />plans. <br />Staf � �►pproval aE lar+c��caping. <br />dra�inag� and @n9i��ering <br />3, pe�aositing of f�r�c�s in escrow for th� side��alk on Fulh�m : <br />we i <br />nform�d th�m th�t ti�o �pecial uso ��rmit Q r���@��o reappl�► <br />in six months �nd it would� Cher��ore, bQ roval.� ��1e r�v����'�d th� <br />�or a special use p�rmit for �itQ pl�n app <br />� <br />� requir�ments and cc�nclud�d t��� ��1 d t� m�nation o��net <br />would lxkely l�e ad�quate �� ��K����° not�d that they s�►ou�d �ork <br />o f � ice sc�u�r� ��otag� , <br />�i��c�iy with Rica �re�k Water�h�d dis�ra.c��r�li�c�� � r�nit �i��not <br />surface� dacaina�ao We conclatdc�d t�at � sh <br />re uix�d b�c�use thc� pQnd is 18ss than `��o ��nc� oi l�e�ting hthe <br />q 6�� dis�u��ed tha imp <br />��gulation� app1Y• <br />ro os�d ciev�lo�pment star►d�rds no� un��� �Qc �cii ��� thinh�ha <br />P� of trash �n3 s�ac� for Y <br />include the ha�r�d�ing <br />1au�.lding. `�hc�y propo�e to put � sacond g�rag� �n th� �ontic3uous <br />lot ta the propas�d d�v�lopm�nt (2 hous�s an�accessory,�u ld�ing <br />�gre�d that such a gar�ge could b� �dded o� a n�w �t�ucture, <br />on a resid�ntial �.ot . To�al squ��� �oot�c�� ��� <br />rQsS outside d�mensions, will be 32,2G0 sq�ar� �eet. <br />g consult with the F'ire t�i�rsh�1 reg�rding <br />sus�g�s��� that th�y t! t i 1 i t i� s <br />sprinkl�ring and work with Bob Cockri�l, ��JQ <br />�uperintenden�, r�g�rding c�p�ing o� thE o1d utility lin�s. <br />oE the four houses wi11 be c�oved out� h t th� r� drawinqsncan�be <br />require removal p <br />�rmit�. It app��rs t <br />re a�'�d in time �or r�vi�w at �he March m�eting af th� £�l�nning <br />� �, <br />Comm�ss�.on. <br />