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� <br />�� <br />Bruce A. Maus <br />Resume <br />Page 2 <br />Mareh 1981 to <br />May 1984 <br />�Atl�rch i 97� 10 <br />Nlarch i 98 ! <br />ED'13��T'lE7t�: <br />ST. PAUL PORT AUTHORITY <br />St. Paul, MN <br />The Port Authority is responsible far generating a profit thraugh the acquisi- <br />tion, development, and financing of industrial sites, office and retail develop� <br />ment throughout the city of St. Paul, as well as duwn�own expansion. Total <br />book value of assets is approximately $750 million. <br />�►ssistant Director, lndustrial Development <br />Responsible for industrial and econorv�ic developmen# wi?h specific clients, and <br />for assistin� new and current business and industry in evaluatin� sit� locafiions, <br />financing, and business planning� Responsibl� fvr sit� selection, foc�l�ty <br />planning, controct negoti�tions, �ond de��loping and making presentatie�r►s to <br />the city and #inan�ial institutions. <br />� Deveiop�d and underwrote $85 milli�n in new projects over a three�Y�car <br />period, resulting in appro��rnot�ly $�S�,OOO confribu4ion ta prafit. <br />• pssisted in fhe completion �f the Sfi. Pr�ul �istri�f l�ieatir�g Syst�emr <br />co��isting of $50 nni!li�n �n construcfian — p�rsanail� a�egAtlated �22 rnil- <br />�ion in industrial reaenu� bands which brougl�t er���gy in�!lepe�denC�e ta <br />dawnfown St. F'avl. <br />��Tl� � AI���C�A�(3 <br />�.... <br />��r�cB+� c�f Ecor�orn�c ��rei�c��nt <br />1�Aa�kot�ap tV�N <br />Responsible for piaraning and �ost�ring �co�emic develcapm�nt tl�roug�cauf th� <br />city of Art���e�tc�, far Qssisfing labcol corpo�otions in th�ir fncdlity pl�anning �nd <br />r�e1 es�et� dev�loprnenta ��d far ottrac�ing nev� busin��s to the city. <br />� Assisfied � Japan�s� r�anuf��tu�ri�g camp�ny in �oca�ing �n 4he Mlanitct�a <br />oreAy ��s�{ti�g i� S2 rniiPdoR �nv�stment ond th� creation of 35 n�evar jabs� <br />Ma��to St��� �Jr�tv�si ty� �Otc�nkato, AllN1 <br />Ml�3A� Gen�rat IUlanagern�nt <br />28 crediis �n Gcner�! Mona��ern�n� towc�rds Master's in ��sin�ss Adrninistra#ian <br />S+vu4�w�st S?ot� Un��re�rsi ty, d9�ar�al l, M� <br />BA, �usiness Adminfstr�#ian <br />Graduated I �74 <br />p�tQ�ESS1��►L �eal Es�a R��de�t LMinn sota�lndustlriai De e opment Assoeiotion ( I 9�5) <br />�FFILlA�'l�lV�i: Served as r�s , <br />Minnesota lndustria! Development Associationf Board member f�r 8 yeors <br />Notional Associatiori 8f Office and ln dus#ria! Par ks, s�v�ra l c hc��rmans h ips <br />industrial Development Reseorch Council, active member 3 years <br />� pERS�NaL: <br />39 y�ars old <br />Married I( years; 4 children <br />Hobbies: travel, musician, outdoar and family a�tivifiies. <br />