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Last modified
3/17/2016 3:26:28 PM
Creation date
3/17/2016 3:21:04 PM
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Public Works Commission
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398 Mr. Culver noted that the frequency question was intended to be built into the <br />399 upcoming 2016 community survey as well to inform the RFP; with options <br />400 included in the RFP for final deliberation and determination of the City Council. <br />401 <br />402 Review of Last Month's Discussion <br />403 A brief review of last month's PWETC discuss ensued, including current and <br />404 proposed pick-up frequency and whether occurring between regular routes or at <br />405 an extra charge; possibility of more than one cart per home, but recognizing the <br />406 limited garage sizes and available storage space for many older Roseville single - <br />407 family homes; and city code requirements for stora ut-of-site. <br />408 <br />409 Chair Stenlund sought clarification as to whether park pick-ups would be a <br />410 separate zone unto itself or embedded into one of the five existing zones. <br />411 <br />412 Mr. Johnson responded that the RFP would include that option for contractors and <br />413 include routine pick-ups whether on' the trails requiring a smaller truck or <br />414 relocated by city staff to a central collection point depending on the park and/or <br />415 trail accessibility. <br />416 <br />417 Member Wozniak notedthat the curren%contraActor esnot separate multi -family <br />418 zoning or collections. <br />419 <br />420 Mr. Johnson reported that the rationale of Eureka Recycling is to keep those <br />421 multi -family collections separated from single-family units to allow tracking <br />422 materials to determine participation rates among various housing stock types. Mr. <br />423 Johnson noted that the city could not really stipulate whether or not a vendor <br />424 chose to keep that separation going forward. <br />425 <br />426C�require <br />ihacek opined that the city should not dictate that for contractors, nor <br />427 t a special trip be made for a designated pick-up point. However, <br />428 ihacek suggested the RFP should provide an opportunity for the vendor <br />429 to esce their preference or value added. <br />430 <br />431 <br />Mr. Culver also noted that for park pick-up, it required coordination of park <br />432 <br />maintenancestaff with the contractor; but agreed that at the very start, the vendor <br />433 <br />should sign e st effective way to accomplish pick-ups. <br />434 <br />435 <br />Specific to parks as a separate zone, Chair Stenlund clarified that he had no <br />436 <br />problem with the current zoned collections, but was seeking to differentiate it <br />437 <br />separately. <br />438 <br />439 <br />Mr. Johnson advised that he would clarify the RFP accordingly. <br />440 <br />441 <br />Specific to curbside collection of residential organics (pages 18-19), Member <br />442 <br />Cihacek asked if the vendors would provide their options; with Mr. Johnson <br />Page 10 of 20 <br />
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