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RPCA Attachment A <br />Mr. Christiansen stated that given this request for a change in zoning tells him that <br />876 <br />something was wrong with the city’s planning, and questioned why the zoning should be <br />877 <br />changed, since it was just done so a few years ago. Mr. Christiansen opined that it was <br />878 <br />unnecessary to do so again, and while this was a nice piece of real estate, and there <br />879 <br />were a number of homes already in this neighborhood without any problems, he <br />880 <br />questioned why single-family homes couldn’t also be constructed on this site (e.g. 3-4 <br />881 <br />homes) and prove much easier for Midland Grove Road access, widening it to create two <br />882 <br />parking areas, as well as providing additional green space and some nice homes for this <br />883 <br />neighborhood. <br />884 <br />However, Mr. Christiansen opined that putting a health care facility on this site was not a <br />885 <br />good idea. As an architect working all over the world in the past, specifically with hospital <br />886 <br />consultants and construction of health care facilities, Mr. Christiansen stated this isn’t a <br />887 <br />very good site for such a site. For instance, if residents of the facility are ambulatory, Mr. <br />888 <br />Christiansen asked where they would walk as there were no sidewalks, and how would <br />889 <br />the cross a busy 4-lane road at Cleveland Avenue and County Road B. With those <br />890 <br />things under consideration, Mr. Christiansen opined that it made no sense to develop this <br />891 <br />type of proposed facility, and suggested the zoning designation be left as is allowing low <br />892 <br />density uses to develop on this residential property. <br />893 <br />Mr. Christiansen thanked the Planning Commission for their service to the community. <br />894 <br />Kevin Schultz, 2250 Midland Grove <br />895 <br />As a resident in the area since 1983, Mr. Schultz noted that the neighborhood had been <br />896 <br />through a similar rezoning process several years ago, and questioned what had changed <br />897 <br />unless it was the number of proposed stories. <br />898 <br />At the request of Mr. Schultz, Mr. Paschke confirmed that if this parcel developed as <br />899 <br />single-family residences there would be no need to change the current comprehensive <br />900 <br />plan or zoning designation. <br />901 <br />Chair Boguszewski noted that to-date no one owning the subject property was interested <br />902 <br />in developing the site for such use; and while recognizing this was a difficult decision, he <br />903 <br />also noted that an earlier development proposal for this site actually had proposed 77 <br />904 <br />units rather than the 54 with this proposal. <br />905 <br />Mr. Paschke confirmed that a previous development proposal was for 77 units, coming <br />906 <br />forward approximately 7-8 years ago as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) that <br />907 <br />predated the 2008 change to the city’s zoning code. <br />908 <br />Chair Boguszewski noted, confirmed by Mr. Paschke, that the Commission <br />909 <br />recommended approval of that proposed project, with subsequent denial by the City <br />910 <br />Council. <br />911 <br />Wayne Mostick,2250 Midland Grove <br />912 <br />Mr. Mostick stated he was opposed to the project, opining that more green space was <br />913 <br />needed. Also, Mr. Mostick opined that, with more kids waiting for buses, the area could <br />914 <br />be developed into a nice area for kids. Mr. Mostick referenced his attendance at a <br />915 <br />meeting of the Midland Grove Board of Directors, where residents were told they’d better <br />916 <br />accept this project or when the City of Roseville did its next comprehensive plan update, <br />917 <br />they could approve Section 8 housing for thesite, along with other scare tactics <br />918 <br />expressed that night that he personally resented. Mr. Mostick also expressed concern <br />919 <br />about a potential “bait and switch” situation, even though the presenters of the project <br />920 <br />appear to be above-board and this seems like a good project. However, Mr. Mostick <br />921 <br />stated his confidence that if this proposal didn’t go through, what may take its place. <br />922 <br />Lucy Botzis, 2236Ferriswood Lane <br />923 <br />Ms. Botzis referenced a letter in tonight’s meeting packet from David Sellergren, <br />924 <br />President ofFerriswood Condominium Association, 2191 Ferris Lane, (FCA) written on <br />925 <br />behalf of their Board of Directors voicing their numerous concerns. Having served on the <br />926 <br />Page 47 of 54 <br /> <br />