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RPCA Attachment A <br />Planning Commission in another community for eight years, Ms. Botzis expressed her <br />927 <br />empathy to the Commission. <br />928 <br />As a volunteer mediator in the past for another Roseville project working for six months <br />929 <br />with the facility owners and adjacent neighbors, Ms. Botzisnoted the result, due in part to <br />930 <br />a responsive City Council, was a settlement to address neighborhood concerns. Ms. <br />931 <br />Botzis noted she had only been a Roseville resident since this last spring, and also as an <br />932 <br />employee in Roseville, expressed her love for the community, and Ferris Lane, opining <br />933 <br />that the immediate area was very compact and unique. <br />934 <br />Ms. Botzis recognized the considerable decision-making before the Commission, and <br />935 <br />noted the passionate comments heard during tonight’s public testimony, giving them a lot <br />936 <br />to consider, both statutorily and from that public comment. Ms. Botzis noted the fear and <br />937 <br />uncertainty expressed by the neighbors, and their concerns with loss of control over their <br />938 <br />future, and lack of trust expressed for a variety of reasons and directed at a variety of <br />939 <br />places. <br />940 <br />Ms. Botzis suggested that, at a minimum, the consensus appeared to be that a traffic <br />941 <br />study was needed, which should serve to alleviate some of that uncertainty, and <br />942 <br />hopefully avoiding another mediated situation, since she found a lot of similarities in <br />943 <br />these development projects. While not directly impacted by this proposal, Ms. Botzis <br />944 <br />noted that other of her Ferriswood neighbors and their separate Association are affected. <br />945 <br />Peggy Doi, 2220 Midland Grove Road, #310 <br />946 <br />Ms. Doi referenced previous comments made about the last comprehensive plan update <br />947 <br />and designation as HDR, questioning if higher density was allowed, how that impacted <br />948 <br />this particular parcel and if they could add to that density. <br />949 <br />Before responding directly to Ms. Doi’s question Mr. Paschkestated that there was a lot <br />950 <br />of speculation and misperceptions being brought forward tonight. However, he attempted <br />951 <br />to clarify those things under the control of the City and those things beyond municipal <br />952 <br />control, such as Section 8 housing, stipulating owner-occupied housing, or other types of <br />953 <br />housing units not under municipal control. Mr. Paschke clarified that those things were <br />954 <br />under the federal domain affecting housing rights and/or association rules, but not under <br />955 <br />municipal domain. <br />956 <br />As to Ms. Doi’s question, Mr. Paschke statedthat he was not aware of any discussion by <br />957 <br />the developer or property owner to increase density, and clarified that density wouldn’t <br />958 <br />increase as part of land use guidance under the comprehensive plan, but would be <br />959 <br />addressed with zoning designation. If such a higher density was requested, such as <br />960 <br />HDR-2, Mr. Paschke advised that it would also come with additional design standards <br />961 <br />and strings attached accordingly. While anything can happen, Mr. Paschke focused the <br />962 <br />requested action tonight; and noted HDR-1 or HDR-2 density requirements were more <br />963 <br />thansufficient to serve most areas and situations in Roseville such as this proposal. <br />964 <br />Chair Boguszewski asked staff to address opportunities for citizen involvement in the <br />965 <br />comprehensive plan update process. <br />966 <br />Mr. Paschke noted that the process itself and its timing was still being addressed, and <br />967 <br />suggested citizens stay tuned to how that process moves forward. Mr. Paschke noted <br />968 <br />that the issue would come back to the Planning Commission a number of times before <br />969 <br />solidifying it and recommending its move to the City Council for their consideration, and <br />970 <br />would provide numerous opportunities for citizen input at both levels. <br />971 <br />Andy Weyer, 2025 County Road B-2 W <br />972 <br />As owner of the subject property, and a 46-year resident of Roseville, Mr. Weyer spoke to <br />973 <br />some of the comments made tonight during public comment that were not accurate or <br />974 <br />were misinformed. Mr. Weyer provided a history of his family who moved to Roseville <br />975 <br />from Oregon in approximately 1906 and their purchase of the entire 30 acres on which <br />976 <br />this subject parcel and surrounding parcels had been included. Mr. Weyer reviewed the <br />977 <br />transitions of the property, utility assessments on three sides that required the family to <br />978 <br />Page 48 of 54 <br /> <br />