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Last modified
4/11/2016 11:12:14 AM
Creation date
4/11/2016 11:12:11 AM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission MeetingPage of 12 <br />? <br />redevelopment needs could not be specifically calculated at this time, but evaporation and runoff is <br />taken into account. <br />Chair Boguszewski asked if Mr. Plowe was confident that the 8” drain on Acorn Road would <br />suffice. <br />Mr. Plowe responded that he was confident; and when reviewing the basins and infrastructure, <br />there would continue to be some overflow as there is today, but the intent was not to have a lot of <br />flow go through the 8” infrastructure system, but available to handle a 2year rain event. Mr. Plowe <br />? <br />opined that the system would prove adequate for shortterm ponding and with smaller storm <br />? <br />events that would not be much water for any length of time, but that it was taken into consideration <br />in designing the stormwater management system. <br />As noted in the staff report, and confirmed by Mr. Plowe, Member Murphy stated that the City <br />Engineers review of the plan and his input indicated the new pipe would still be accommodated by <br />? <br />the existing downstream system on Acorn Road; with a minimal amount of additional water added <br />to that storm sewer system and not creating any additional problem. <br />hair Boguszewski closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.; no one else spoke. <br />? <br />Member Cunningham noted that she had supported the last four proposals, and opined that this <br />latest proposal from the applicant provided even more significant improvements and commended <br />Mr. Mueller for listening to his neighbors and addressing their concerns. Member Cunningham <br />stated her main concern in the past was with the road width and tree issues, as well as significant <br />drainage issues; but again noted Mr. Mueller appeared to have addressed those concerns and <br />improved upon them. Therefore, Member Cunningham stated she would be hard pressed not to <br />support this request. <br />MOTION <br />Member Murphy moved, seconded by Member Cunningham to recommend to the City <br />Council approval of the proposed PRELIMINARY PLAT of the property at 2201 Road; as <br />detailed and based on the information and analysis, and as conditioned and outlined in the <br />project report dated December 2, 2015; <br />amended to emphasize Condition D as follows: <br />The applicant shall create and maintain a homeowners association for the longterm <br />??? <br />maintenance of the private infrastructure. All documents shall be reviewed and approved <br />by the City Attorney, Public Works Department, and Community Development Department. <br />Member Stellmach stated he found this latest proposal much improved from the last iteration; and <br />personally found three parcels and singlefamily homes a better fit for the neighborhood. Member <br />? <br />Stellmach expressed appreciation to Mr. Mueller for the additional drainage improvements and <br />trees remaining along Acorn Road. <br />Based on previous discussion earlier tonight, Member Bull clarified that based on his <br />understanding the emergency vehicle access concern had been brought up by the City Council as <br />to stacking of vehicles on the private road as with the situation on any culdesac. However, <br />?? <br />Member Bull noted that the Police and Fire Departments, in their review, had expressed no <br />concern with that emergency vehicle access. Specific to tree preservation, Member Bull noted that <br />the previous plan required 87 replacement trees, while this plan required zero replacements. <br />Member Bull further noted that this plan provided 4,000 square feet less of impervious surface <br />area allowing for better drainage. Therefore, Member Bull opined there were a lot of positives with <br />this proposal compared to those in the past. Member Bull stated that his one remaining concern <br />was with the potential responsibility the city may incur to maintain the basin in the southwest <br />corner, noting that it also bisected two different property lines. Member Bull asked how those costs <br />would be allocated when two different property owners were involved or how the city would access <br />the properties if required to provide that maintenance. <br />City Planner Paschke advised that all property owners would be assessed equally as they shared <br />similar burdens; and if the site had any drainage issues, all three sites would share equally in the <br />resolution and associated costs. <br />Regarding previous City Council comments, Member Bull stated that he shared their concerns <br />about the homeowners association, and as noted in lines 113 and 121 of the staff report, he was <br />? <br />unclear on the term longterm” maintenance, suggesting it needed to be permanent” and <br />??? <br />ongoing” by the association. Therefore, Member Bull suggested changing that terminology in the <br />? <br />Commissions motion and conditions. With that amendment, Member Bull stated his support for <br />? <br />file:///R:/CommDev/PLANNING_AND_ZONING/PLANNING_COMMISSION/Minutes/...4/11/2016 <br /> <br />
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