which requires more ar less permanent location on the ground, or attached to something having
<br />permanent location on the ground, and in the case of floodplain areas, in the stream bed or lake bed.
<br />SWIMMING POOL: Any structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing that contains water
<br />over 24 inches.
<br />TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES: Any plant or equipment used to carry wireless cotnmercial
<br />telecommunications services by radio signal or other electromagnetic waves, including towers,
<br />antennas, equipment buildings, parking area, and other accessory development.
<br />TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER: A mast, pole, monopole, guyed tower, lattice tower, free-
<br />standing tower, or other structure designed and primarily used to support antennas. A ground or
<br />building mounted mast greater than 15 feet tall and 6 inches in diameter supporting one or more
<br />antennas, dishes, or arrays shall be considered a telecommunications tower.
<br />TENANT: Any person who occupies the whole or any part of a building or land, either alone or with
<br />others.
<br />THEATER: A facility for presenting motion pictures or live performances for patrons. This term
<br />includes an outdoor stage, band shell, or amphitheater but does not include an adult entertainment
<br />establishment.
<br />TOWNHOUSE: A form of one-family attached dwelling.
<br />TRAILER: Any structure which is or may be mounted upon wheels for moving about, is drawn by an
<br />external motive power, and which is used as a dwelling or as an accessory building or structure in the
<br />conduct of a business, trade or occupation, or is used for hauling purposes.
<br />TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM): Measures, including but not limited to
<br />carpooling, vanpooling, public transit bicycling, walking, telecommuting, and compressed or deviated
<br />work schedules, that reduce individual vehicle trips and promote alternatives to single occupant vehicle
<br />use especially at peak commuting times.
<br />TREE: A self-supporting woody perennial having one or several self-supporting stems ar trunks and
<br />numerous branches which nonnally attains an overall height of 15 feet at maturity. Trees may be
<br />classified as deciduous or evergreen.
<br />TREE, CANOPY: A deciduous tree planted primarily for its high crown of foliage or overhead
<br />canopy.
<br />TREE, CONIFEROUS/EVERGREEN: A woody plant having foliage on the outermost portions
<br />of the branches year-round which at maturity is at least twelve (12) feet or more in hei�ht.
<br />Tamaracks and Larch are included as coniferous tree species.
<br />TREE, DECIDUOUS: A Y'��* �.;*� ��;�rt� *��* : ���� � ���<� woody plant, which sheds leaves
<br />iuii�
<br />annually, havina a de�ned crown and at maturitv is at least fifteen (15) feet or more in hei�ht.
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<br />TREE, INVASIVE: Anv tree species that is not native to Minnesota or its re�ional ecosystem
<br />that can spread or be spread into anv non-cultivated soil site and establish itself, expanding the
<br />plant species' population bv its own volition and generally harm, destroy or prevent native
<br />plants. Invasive tree species include Norway Maple, Black Locust, Amur Maple, Siberian Elm,
<br />and Buckthorn.
<br />TREE, ORNAMENTAL: Any tree planted primarily for its ornamental value of for screening purposes
<br />and tends to be smaller at maturity than canopy trees.
<br />TREE, OVERSTORY: A self-supporting woody plant or species normally growing to a mature height
<br />over 25 feet and a mature spread of at least 25 feet. Many overstary trees are considered deciduous
<br />trees.
<br />TREE PROTECTION ZONE: An area around a tree defined by either the tree's unique
<br />�ri�line, or tl�e ire�'s t`�Uical root proteetion �one.
<br />TREE, UNDERSTORY: A self-supporting woody plant or species normally growing to a mature
<br />