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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 18, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Ms. Barsel noted that the seminar would most likely serve as a model for other <br />communities, as she was aware there were interested representatives from other <br />communities at the event. In conclusion, Ms. Barsel recognized the generous do- <br />nations received for the event. <br />On behalf of the community and City Council, Mayor Roe thanked Ms. Barsel, <br />CHAT, sponsors, planners and others involved in this successful and informa- <br />tiveevent. <br />5. Council & City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br />Mayor Roe announced upcoming April activities, including Skatopoly; Roseville Clean - <br />Up Day; and Baby Shower supplies being collected by the Roseville Police Department <br />for the Harriet Tubman Center. <br />Councilmember Etten announced an additional work day for the Rice Street Community <br />Gardens at the corner of Rice Street and Larpenteur (Maplewood side). <br />Councilmember Laliberte thanked Ms. Barsel for her report on the Advanced Care Plan- <br />ning event, and recognized the informative presenters and information shared. <br />Councilmember Laliberte reported on her attendance earlier today at the Naturalization <br />Ceremony for new citizens, and her shared her impressions of this very moving, momen- <br />tous and powerful event. Councilmember Laliberte thanked city staff and the Human <br />Rights Commission for planning and facilitating the event; and recognized the League of <br />Women Voters for being available to register these newest citizens to vote. Coun- <br />cilmember Laliberte noted that there were many to thank and expressed her honor in be- <br />ing a part of the day. <br />Mayor Roe thanked Councilmember Laliberte for standing in for him and Acting Mayor <br />Willmus who were both unable to attend due to work commitments. <br />City Manager Trudgeon reported that staff anticipated closing on the Owasso Field site <br />later this week, with final documentation being completed, confirmed by City Attorney <br />Gaughan. <br />6. Recognitions, Donations and Communications <br />a. Proclamation Recognizing Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient Anna Carpen- <br />ter <br />Mayor Roe read a proclamation recognizing Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient <br />Anna Carpenter. <br />By unanimous consent the proclamation was adopted by the Council. <br />