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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/29/2016 3:50:46 PM
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4/26/2016 9:47:49 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />ing a new hoine for their family company, and selected Roseville based on their <br />reputation as a welcoining community. Ms. Vogel noted their involvement in ed- <br />ucation programs in schools, employment fairs at local colleges and other efforts <br />to inform about this growing industry and to provide jobs. <br />In hindsight, Ms. Vogel opined that their error had been in not immediately apply- <br />ing for rezoning of their parcel in the first place. Ms. Vogel noted that their busi- <br />ness had been from the beginning and continued to be interested in a long-tenn <br />solution, and throughout a process of questionnaires, open houses, and other in- <br />teraction, everyone was in agreement as a community that the CU application was <br />indicated, and accessory use for limited production and processing. Ms. Vogel <br />asked that the City Council consider the CU application independently of past <br />discussions and IU issues with the neighborhood, and hold their company and its <br />operations to that use. <br />Ms. Vogel stated that it was difficult for their small business to not feel they were <br />being punished when they were seeking the help and support of their new com- <br />munity. Ms. Vogel noted the unforiunate situations that had developed for all <br />parties, including them personally, their einployees, the neighbors, and entire <br />community. Ms. Vogel opined that so much negative time and energy had been <br />spent to-date and some had proven devastating for their business and uncomforta- <br />ble as their employees were continually on camera by neighbors observing them <br />whenever they were on site at the business. Ms. Vogel stated that their business <br />needed to focus on operations in order to thrive. <br />Specific to the recommendation for a condition to keep production area doors shut <br />during operations, Ms. Vogel reviewed their uses for liinited production and coin- <br />pared it to other uses in a CMU-1 designated zoning district, questioning such a <br />blanket statement in this condition. Ms. Vogel sought some reasonable considera- <br />tion rather than neighbors through the city attempting to control every business; <br />noting that there were sufficient city code provisions in place related to noise and <br />envirorunent that would address any concerns that may come up and serve to ad- <br />dress any fears or unknowns for adjacent residential neighbors. Ms. Vogel asked <br />the City Council to apply the same conditions for a CU that they would for any <br />other use in this spectrum, and just as those residential neighbors shouldn't need <br />to close their windows, their business should be given some leniency for using <br />their coinmon sense rather than simply setting up another opportunity for future <br />miscommunication among parties. <br />Attorney Crain <br />In response to Councilmember Laliberte's initial question regarding the Vogel re- <br />sponse to Planning Commission recoinmended conditions, Mr. Crain noted that <br />they were inconsistent with those recommended by staff advising the City Coun- <br />cil to follow city code for CU applications for screening in front and back and <br />simply moving on. Mr. Crain questioned why the Commission made the decision <br />
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