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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/29/2016 3:50:46 PM
Creation date
4/26/2016 9:47:49 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 12 <br />define an actual easement agreement in place for them or the underground Centu- <br />ryLink cables. Ms. Collins noted that the existing chain link fence along the <br />property line had been removed by Vogels in November of 2015 in anticipation of <br />installing the new fence until coming across the purported easement agreement. <br />Ms. Collins reviewed staff's recommendations for conditional approval (page 5 of <br />the RCA) of the request as detailed in the staff report and those conditions differ- <br />ing from the Planning Commission's recommendation, some based on further in- <br />conclusive research by staff on an easement agreement. <br />Referencing Attachment B, Page 2, Councilmember Etten asked City Attorney <br />Gaughan whether or not the city was to not look at the previous Interim Use (IU) <br />and consider if the Conditional Use (CU) request had come independent of the IU <br />to be viewed on its own merits and under the city's CU requirements for all appli- <br />cations. <br />City Attorney Gaughan responded that yes, it was the City Council's obligation to <br />view each application on its own merits within provision of the code, in this in- <br />stance a requested CU, not an IU. Mr. Gaughan advised that the obligation was to <br />apply the city's CU requirements to this CU application, and while there may be <br />information and facts surrounding the IU that the City Council might like to bring <br />into this current CU application, as a general principle, this application was spe- <br />cific to the CU portion of city code. <br />Councilmember McGehee asked City Attorney Gaughan if the City Council had <br />the ability to address any potential negative impacts with this CU application. <br />City Attorney Gaughan responded that it did, specific to how CU is defined under <br />local code and after due consideration in determining whether or not any such po- <br />tential negative impacts can be determined under the parameters of the CU code. <br />Applicant Representatives <br />Sonnie Vogel, CEO and Owner; Attorney Zachary Crain, Roseville resident <br />and Legal Counsel for Vogel Mechanical <br />Ms. Vogel offered to answer any questions of the City Council. <br />Councilmember Laliberte asked for Ms. Vogel's comments related to the recom- <br />mendation of the Planning Commission. <br />Ms. Vogel stated that she would like to object to earlier recommendations and <br />findings reported by staff regarding their inability to find an easement agreement, <br />noting that their company had forward that communication, recognizing a dis- <br />crepancy between their former attorney and a specialist from the land title compa- <br />ny and information submitted earlier. In terms of the former IU application, Ms. <br />Vogel clarified that their company had never sought an IU and were simply seek- <br />
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