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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 34 <br />to the cost and possibility of pursuing the design concept presented by Scandina- <br />vian Design. <br />Mayor Roe suggested it may be feasible to move the current northern access into <br />Scandinavian Design further west to line it up with the proposed Lincoln Drive <br />access to create a quasi-intersection further west of Snelling Avenue alleviating <br />some of the stacking and give them an identified turn lane from the city's excess <br />median. However, Mayor Roe noted that Scandinavian Design would then need <br />to move their access and perhaps reconfigure their parking lot. While understand- <br />ing the perspective of Scandinavian Design, Mayor Roe noted if their firm agreed <br />with such a proposal, pending location of utilities and other approvals, it could be <br />a solution, noting his preference to lceep the proposed median. Mayor Roe stated <br />that overall he was generally supportive of this project, noting the current need to <br />address the intersection at County Road C-2 and northbound Snelling Avenue, <br />currently at a dangerous level and needing to be addressed. <br />Public Comment <br />Steve Gjerdingen, 1363 W County Road S <br />Mr. Gjerdingen expressed appreciation for seeing plans for this project. Mr. <br />Gj erdingen asked why there were so many wide truck-style turns on Terrace Ave- <br />nue and Lincoln Drive, expressing his interest in buttoning up the intersection and <br />making it more pedestrian friendly. Mr. Gjerdingen opined that the corners didn't <br />need to be so rounded as it decreased safety. <br />Toward County Road C-2 and Lincoln Drive, Mr. Gjerdingen provided several <br />options as well as concerns for through-movements to continue northbound on <br />Lincoln Drive past the County Road C-2 intersection without yielding; however <br />he cautioned the need to address pedestrians in the crosswalk with the blind view <br />created, especially with college student housing in the immediate vicinity and lack <br />of sidewalks on Lincoln Drive. Mr. Gjerdingen noted that the overall concept for <br />the Twin Lakes area is to be pedestrian friendly and integrate public and private s <br />paces to enhance walkability. Mr. Gjerdingen asked that be a definite considera- <br />tion going into this process. <br />Mr. Gjerdingen noted that attempting to cross Snelling Avenue in this area now <br />was challenging, but at least the median provided some safe refuge for pedestri- <br />ans; with natural zigzag movements created with sidewalk access. If the project is <br />contemplating extending the roadway into the right-of way at County Road C-2 <br />west of Snelling Avenue, Mr. Gjerdingen suggested a sidewalk along County <br />Road C-2 to facilitate pedestrian movements and other pedestrian accessibility <br />throughout the area and as part of this process. <br />Willmus moved, Etten seconded, receipt of the staff presentation for a proposed <br />Twin Lakes East Collector project; and authorizing staff to hold a neighborhood <br />