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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April ll, 2016 <br />Page 33 <br />the radius froin the existing location along the right-of-way line, requiring an ad- <br />ditional easement from Scandinavian Design for relocating the signal pole. Mr. <br />Culver advised that he was not sure at this point on other existing utilities and <br />their potential location that might also be iinpacted. Mr. Culver noted that with <br />that concept and resulting significant grade, there may be the need for a retaining <br />wall to protect the parking lot of Scandinavian Design, with loss of boulevard <br />trees. While there would be impacts and additional costs with that design, Mr. <br />Culver noted that MnDOT would also have some say with the traffic signal loca- <br />tion; and further noted MnDOT's past lack of support with left access and median <br />openings, creating traffic stacking bacic toward Snelling Avenue. <br />Councilmember Willmus advised that he had received the scanned concept plan <br />from Scandinavian Design along with their communication; and from his observa- <br />tion living in that area and frequenting that intersection on a daily basis, especially <br />during peak period times, access into that drive is already restricted due to traffic <br />stacking. Councilmember Willmus opined that the question was whether or not <br />Scandinavian Design's proposed access would be useful during those pealc times, <br />and expressed his disinterest in exacerbating the problem when traffic volume in- <br />creases. Therefore, Councilmeinber Willmus stated that he was inclined to look <br />more favorably on staff's design proposal. Councilmember Willmus asked staff if <br />the property and right-of-way between Grumpy's and Midway Ford had been <br />100% acquired from the current property owners. <br />Mr. Culver stated that staff presumed it was platted, but noted a more detailed <br />search on how it was initially obtained would be necessary; and if vacated, typi- <br />cally half of the property would go to the Grumpy's property and the other half to <br />Midway Ford property owners. <br />Councilmember Willmus suggested staff research records back to the original <br />easement transactions; suggesting that from his recollection, originally Terrace <br />Drive or the frontage road may now actually be part of Midway Ford's parking <br />lot. <br />Mayor Roe noted that part of the design process and feasibility report would be <br />identifying those issues. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition to this entire plan, opining the city <br />needed to hold off until the entire piece was done (Twin Lakes Parkway exten- <br />sion) to see how much traffic is actually generated. Councilmember McGehee <br />spoke in support of the city's businesses, and opined this access is important to <br />Scandinavian Design, especially during peak hours if vehicles stack and block ac- <br />cess to their parking lot, creating problems, for their customers, employees, and <br />delivery trucks. Councilmember McGehee opined that she considered this to be a <br />significant impediment for Scandinavian Design, and if the intent was to proceed <br />with the project, she stated she would argue strongly that consideration be given <br />