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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 40 <br />By consensus the SWOT approach was ruled out, with Mayor Roe noting that as <br />things moved through the process they would become more refined. <br />Councilmeinber Laliberte spoke in support of the Design Charrette as it allowed <br />froin full participation from all jurisdictions, as per the consensus of the City <br />Council. <br />Mayor Roe noted that the process would start by identifying problems and engage <br />all stalceholders as part of that; and once those problems and issues had been iden- <br />tified a process could be determined to address thein that may not be the same <br />process or same participants, and therefore suggested not ruling out the Charrette <br />design. <br />In response to Councilmember Laliberte regarding process and staff's coinments, <br />Councilmeinber Willmus expressed his strong preference that as a city, Roseville <br />needed to be prepared to carry forward with this process even if other stakehold- <br />ers or jurisdictions aren't interested in participating; and therefore would not con- <br />dition this on any other party's participation, and while inviting them to partici- <br />pate, continue moving forward as a community. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated that she looked at it slightly differently, and <br />while agreeing with Councilmember Willmus, once a process was outlined, she <br />would invite businesses and residents from those other cities. However, whether <br />or not those other communities wanted to be involved, Councihnember McGehee <br />opined it should not preclude the residents and/or business people from those <br />communities to continue their involvement not matter their jurisdiction, and sug- <br />gested that perhaps it would talce their involvement and interest to bring their <br />community leaders along. <br />Councilmeinber McGehee's thought were shared by consensus by her colleagues. <br />Currently Available Properties <br />211 N McCarrons Blvd. (The Annory� <br />Ms. Collins noted that there was an immediate opportunity to look at this site, <br />with Roseville having the first right of refusal followed by Ramsey County, with <br />the city's interest needed by the Department of Military Affairs in the very near <br />future. As detailed in the RCA, Ms. Collins reviewed the appraised value; and <br />noted that several from staff had toured the site. During that tour, Ms. Collins re- <br />ported that the building had challenges, with staff agreeing that the best option <br />would be to raze the current building and redevelop the parcel for a different and <br />better use. Ms. Collins offered to set up a tour of the facility for interested Coun- <br />cilmembers. <br />Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in a tour. <br />