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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April ll, 2016 <br />Page 39 <br />Jeanne Kelsey, Housing and Economic Development <br />Ms. Kelsey advised that funds were available should the City be interested in <br />property acquisition. Regarding the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce and their in- <br />terest in this corridor, Ms. Kelsey noted that the reality was that they had a num- <br />ber of things on their plate, and agreed with Mayor Roe that the City of Roseville <br />may need to take the lead. <br />With other cities involved in the independent conveners of those preliminary <br />planning meetings, Councilmember Laliberte asked that to avoid looking like <br />someone was pushing someone else, she would like answers given to those partic- <br />ipants if the Chamber and Smart Growth America efforts were not going to take a <br />lead; and to ensure that Roseville wasn't trying to recreate the wheel. <br />Ms. Collins suggested expanding on those initial efforts, and agreed that the St. <br />Paul Chainber of Commerce was very interested in what was being done, as indi- <br />cated on those materials included in tonight's meeting materials, suggesting that <br />the City of Roseville could serve as a catalyst and rebirth that intent. <br />To that point, Councilmember Etten referenced Attachment C and summary re- <br />port froin Smart Growth America that suggests initiatives be iinplemented but <br />without specific ideas or coinmunity-specific information. Therefare, Coun- <br />cilmember Etten opined that follow-through requires the city to move on, espe- <br />cially since the city's motivation is stronger at this point. <br />Specific to a promise he made to bring this issue up at tonight's meeting, Coun- <br />cilmember Etten addressed who had or should have control of the former ICO gas <br />station on the corner, apining that while he didn't thinlc it was possible, the site <br />was actually now uglier than it had been a year ago. Councilmember Etten stated <br />that he had encouraged city staff to facilitate getting the current structure demol- <br />ished immediately and to assist the current owners however possible. Coun- <br />cilmember Etten noted that staff had attempted to get clarity of the situation and <br />permitting as applicable; however, he opined that it was now time to use the city's <br />enforcement tools to get the job done now. <br />Regarding the design process, Ms. Collins asked for staff guidance on boundaries <br />for the project area and the style of visioning/redevelopment plan desired. <br />Mayor Roe stated that he had no problem with a hybrid between the CDI and De- <br />sign Charrette process. Mayor Roe stated that his concern with only using the <br />CDI approach was a limited number of ineetings (4), and therefore supported a <br />more hybrid approach. <br />Councilmember McGehee agreed with the hybrid approach. <br />