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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 42 <br />Mayor Roe noted that internal process was needed as well as responding to a for- <br />mal request to extend deliberations. Mayor Roe noted one or all of the zoning <br />designations supported by Councilmember Willmus could apply even though they <br />all had different characteristics, given the size of the parcel it could be split into <br />different zoning designations as well. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of having Ms. Kelsey continue her <br />discussion with Ramsey County to see what ideas they might suggest. <br />On the other issue of possible rezoning, Mayor Roe noted the need for a public <br />input process and that should also be key and part of the timeframe, with initial <br />discussions with the immediate neighborhood and then going into the zoning pro- <br />cess versus them responding to the city's process. <br />196 S McCarrons <br />Ms. Kelsey reported that this parcel had been identified three years ago, as de- <br />tailed in the RCA and had since fallen into Estate status and the Trustee was seelc- <br />ing cit interest in purchasing the parcel. After staff's tour and due to the condition <br />of the property and code issues, Ms. Kelsey reported that there would be chal- <br />lenges, unless the lot could be used to leverage a larger redevelopment with adja- <br />cent property at 210 S McCarrons Boulevard. <br />210 S McCarrons <br />Ms. Collins reported on this property as detailed in the RCA, and potential for the <br />parcel with adjacent property as previously referenced to clean up lot lines and <br />wrap into one parcel. Ms. Collins noted that this particular parcel was currently <br />listed for sale. <br />Councilmember Willmus expressed his interest in looking at the potential for us- <br />ing the Housing Replacement Program to acquire these parcels for recombination <br />and resale, providing city control over the site in an area needing more pro- <br />activity by the city than in the past. Councilmember Willmus noted that this <br />would serve to extend redevelopment efforts further toward Larpenteur Avenue. <br />Councilmember Etten agreed with having acquisition discussions, noting the par- <br />cels were along the edge of where the city could have significant influence. <br />Councilmember Etten stated his only concern was with the significant difference <br />in asking prices and values. <br />Ms. Collins responded that, if the city was interested in acquiring the parcels, the <br />next step would be to seek an appraisal for both parcels. <br />Unless staff returns with a significantly lower price for the 210 parcel, Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee expressed concern with pursuing purchase of 210, and ques- <br />tioned the need for an appraisal on the 196 parcel based on the asking price. <br />