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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri111, 2016 <br />Page 9 <br />Mayor Roe clarified that during the process, inany things were happening and be- <br />ing completed by multiple entities, and suggested it was better not to identify an- <br />yone at all, since the City Council had final approval via adoption of the ordi- <br />nance. <br />Councilmember McGehee agreed with Mayor Roe's clarification; and no changes <br />were made to staff's draft language (page 11). However, Councilmember McGe- <br />hee reiterated that her attempt was to make Items 3.a and d parallel so the Coin- <br />munity Development Departinent would generate the analysis instead of only ad- <br />dressing it as Item 2.g on page 10. <br />From his perspective, and without objection from his other colleagues, Mayor <br />Roe stated that the preambles are fine and served to get the point across. <br />Page 12, Item 2.i, Lines 361-366 <br />Councilmember McGehee reviewed her proposed language as noted; with Mayor <br />Roe suggesting "must include" in the sentence. <br />City Attorney Gaughan noted that the language for this provision was intended to <br />put the onus on the owner of the lands and building, thus its particular wording. <br />After further discussion, without objection, and upon input and recommendation <br />of the City Attorney, language as submitted in staff's draft reinained unchanged <br />for lines 361 — 365. <br />Pa�e 13, Item 3.f, Line 388 <br />Councilmember McGehee noted that this proposed change from her was similar <br />to those addressed in lines 330 and 332 that hadn't been changed. <br />Without objection, Mayor Roe ruled no changes for this language either. <br />Pa�e 15, Item A, Existing PUD Overlay Districts, Lines 429 — 436 <br />Councilmember McGehee stated her intent to assign the duty — as on page 13 as <br />referenced above — that the Community Development Department "shall" estab- <br />lish... <br />Specific to administrative amendinents, Mayor Roe asked if the City Council <br />wanted to have notice of soinething being changed that wouldn't typically fall <br />within the purview of the City Council. <br />Councilmember Etten opined that at some point, staff would end up tied in cir- <br />cles, and unable to move forward, essentially grinding development to a halt if all <br />review needed to come before the City Council in addition to staff. <br />