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Essay #41 <br />Stafes Elecfions Project and the United St�tes Census Bureau, fihe group wifih the <br />highest voting rate �re.wea�thy non-Hispanic whites wha ar� over 50 and have an <br />advanced degree. This means important decisions about our gavernment are being <br />made by a smail percentag� of America's populatian. Sin�a many minority graups haue <br />a low percentage af voters, th+�ir voices and apinions are not ��ing r.epresented. <br />C)ne af my idea� tv incr.ease voter participation is fio �r�ate �n organization to <br />encaurage high school senior� and college student to vate. The organizatian would <br />send representatives to many high schools and colleges acrass the U.S., teach them <br />the importance of voting, and have fii�em r�gister right there to show them how easy it <br />is. The org�nization could also show tlierri local and national candidates that would be <br />m�st lik�ly �a pas� laws th�t stu�er�ts wauld benefit from, such as being more fargiving <br />for student laans. ihe organizatian cauld consis� bf valunteers and paid workers. 1 think <br />to be mast effective, fihe organization should star� small, maybe only in a few schoais, <br />and if it is v�rarking, it can gradually spr�ad#o more and more s�haol� and cifii�s. That <br />way, when it starts out, there could be a sma11 fundraiser such as a walk run or a <br />festival, and if it gets big envugM, the organization could try to find �ome sp�nsors so it <br />can spread even more. I beli�ve that if this idea is put into practice, it wil! widely <br />increase voter participation among high school and cofleg� students. <br />Another idea I hav.e is ta create a few short 30 second commerciafs explaining <br />the impor�ance of voting and how �asy it is to vote. The videos could alsa feature <br />
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