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Naomi S. Nickei <br />7th - Roseville Area Middle Schaol <br />Jeff Bibeau <br />3rd Place <br />Every y�ar, over 200 million Am�ricans have an appor�unity to let their voic�s �e <br />heard, hpwever over A�0% of Am�ricans nev�r va��. The Uniuer�al D�cl�ration of <br />Hum�n Rights lists vatin� as ifis 2�st �rticl�, amon�st righfis d�emed as basic human <br />ne�essiti�s such as the right fia have shelt�r and food, Voting is �Iso an essential par� afi <br />th� American democracy. It is essential thai every eligible v�ter in tF,e US vote� ta <br />incr�ase the �ff'�ctiveness of ihe vafiing syst�m. To increas� voter participation, I <br />sugg�st creating groups ao�d fund� �c� edu�ata peaple �bout voting. <br />Voting is an impor�anfi fre�dom becaus� it giues you a voice an cammunity <br />issues such as school levies and chnosing lo�al pasifiions, such as m�yor, �heriff, �nd <br />city caunci) rr+ernb�r�. All af fihese can directly imp�ct yaur �ammunity. For example, in <br />2013 fihe Roseville d4sfirict was one af many districts �cr�ss Minnesata fio receive vafier <br />approv�l of a I�vy ref�rendum. Because �his refer�ndum pas�ed, schools rec�ived mare <br />maney per student for operationa! cosfis, for giving students high�r quafity education <br />materi�ls, and paying t�achers �II th��e create a better education �xperience far <br />everyone. Vofiing can really Yr�lp make clear the important issues for y�ur communi[y <br />and city. <br />There are many minorifiy graups who h�ve vating rates low�r than the nafiional <br />av�rage, According to The United S#ates Census Bureau, in 2012 the sum of the <br />number of African Americans, Asians, and M�xicar� Americans who voted in the 2012 <br />�le�tions was nQt even half the number of whites who voted. Accnrdir�g to the Uni#ed <br />