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� <br />Greta Keffer <br />7th - Roseville Area Middle School <br />Jeff Bibeau <br />Honorable Mention <br />Human Ric,�h�s Essav <br />by Greta Keffer <br />4nly 36.4% of the eligible voters vafied on Election Day in 2014. That was the <br />lowest turnout since 1944! The percent of voters has been dropping since 1964. That is <br />more than 50 years ago! We need to vote more! Vating is impartant for many reasons, <br />and 1 wi[I look at some of thase reasons and propose same solutions ta increase voter <br />turnout. <br />Voting is important. People thought voting was important enough fihat they fought <br />hard to give everyone the righfi to vote. As a result, the U.S. Constitution has had a lot of <br />amendments added to it about vofiing rights. Despite the amendmenfis giving more <br />people the right to vote, over 60% af the population will nofi acfually vofie. The '15th <br />Amendment fio the Consfiitution aflow�d any male over 21 the right to vote (1869). Men <br />of any race can vote. Then in � 920, the 19fih Amendment gave women over 21 the right <br />to vote as well. That means eithar gender can vQte. Later in 1960, the 23rd Amendment <br />gave residents of Washington D.C. fihe right to vofe for represenfiatives in fihe Electoral <br />Collega, Then in 1964, the Unified States ratified the 24th Amendmenfi to �he <br />Consfiitution, prohibiting any pol( tax in elections for federal officials. Finally there was <br />the 26th Amendmenfi in 1971, which lowered the voting age to 18. All adults can vote. <br />Another reasan voting is important is fihat it is people's chance to have their <br />voices heard, and so they have a say in what the government will look like. Voting is <br />one of the most imporEant ways to connect with the governmenf. According to statistics, <br />
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