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Tait Haugen <br />8th - Roseville Area Middle School <br />Lee Thao <br />Honorable Mention <br />I�Caw W� �a� Increa�� Voie� '�"ur�.o�.t <br />By Tai� Haugeaa <br />'Where do you stand on 1:he topze of voting? Did you know that our country allovvs every <br />A1�aerican citizen to cast a vote!? And th�tt hundr�ds of peo��e lost their lives fighting for that <br />vexy right and yet only fifty-seven �ercent of Americans take advantage of this!? This paper will <br />infoi�n you not on�y on why voting is important, �ut an how we can gei: more Americans to vote. <br />The fact that evexy American is allowed to vote is very important. It gives people the <br />option to vote for an individual who represelzts their awn persona� beliefs. For exampie, if Ale�s <br />Courtozs believes that l�ealthcare is a major issue in tkus colu�try and someone ;t�.lnnuag for <br />presidency promises to promote inexpensive hea1t11care for all, AXexis has th� rig�t to vote far <br />ihat individual, <br />There are also many countries that don't �llow their citizens ta vote. Some of these <br />countrias include Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Qat�r, and North I�oxea. I3oth Cuba and Saudi Arabia <br />h�.ve a severely highe� dissatisfaction �raie than the United States, a�.d then Nortl� I�a�ea is so <br />closed about itself'that allnost as much iruthf-�l. in%ra�ation comes from refugees as the <br />communist government itself (sometimes called a, "One xnan dictatorship"). <br />The freedom ta vote is also veiy impai�tant because oi a�l the lives that were lost �ighting <br />for that right, along with the time, energy, a.�d effort i:hat hund.reds of thousands of people put <br />into �rotests. Women, who had anly been considered good for staying at home and doing the <br />laundry, were now begitaning to �ght for eve�y cztizen io be able to cast a vote. Women fought <br />for over half a cez�tury uniil they were finally granted this xm�ortar�t righl: in late sum111er of <br />
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