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Essay #79 <br />].920. "C1ur `Pathway' zs st�^c�igizt to the ballot hox, with no varzableness nor shadow of tur^ning, " <br />said EXizabeth Cani;on spealcing otrt on wome�'s suffiage. , <br />Once A.fric�-.Americans were given tl�e �ight to vote it o�e�ed the gates for millions of <br />people ta elecfi thei� own representatzve of t�eir beliefs. Did you ever see Martin Luth�r ��ing Jr. <br />relent as he s�alce o�t fox Afrxcan-Ameriean rights? I thinlc not!! A.s hundreds af �housands of <br />African-Americans fought on for a zight thaf they conszdered worth their lives he continuad to <br />lead �eaceful but effective marches. And let's nat forget the ever so inoving and �amous "I have <br />�. d�-ean�." speech, ox tl�e 1V.fontgonzery Bus Boycott which �vas but a smail exam�le of the pain <br />and weariness they k�ad to endure. <br />Fouxt111y, keep in mind that the Bill of Rights gives us the right to speak out against tl�e <br />governmeni:. Shouldn't we be able ta also spealc ou� for ihe govexnment? If we can speak out <br />against i:�em the� we can also spe�l� out and cast a vote for the c�dic�ate that we thiulc wi11 best <br />represent oturselves, our government, and our �ount�y so that we don't have ta inake use of the <br />fac1: �hat we can speak out against the governm.ent. <br />Naw I going to iransition into my ideas for ways to u� the percentage of American <br />voters.lVly first idea is io create more ads in newspapers, that is, the paper ones t�at gei tJ�ro�vn <br />onto your front daorstep at �ve 'r'his would worl� because of how xead real-life ne�Tspapers <br />are. Newspaper ads make t�ree tunes as much moneq as �tl�eir onlin.e counterparts, proving that <br />theq are not only xe�d inoxe often, but that people actually pay attention ta them. �f t1�e <br />government were to �dd an ad pr ltivo into xnajor newspapers, i� would be seen by twenty-flzree <br />perce�t of Anzerica. That's 73,140,Oq0 pairs of eyes� A1so, did yolt know that 86 percent of <br />