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Essay #29 <br />"Everyone has the rigfit ta take parfi in fihe gavernment of his/her country, directly or <br />fhrough freely chosen representafives. ' <br />Everyone has the righfi of equal access to pubiic servic� in his country. <br />The will of the peaple shall be the basis of the authority af government; this wil( shali be <br />expressed in periodiC and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal <br />suffrage and shall be held by secret baflot or by equivalent free voting procedur�s." � <br />In the Unit�d States of Arnerica, vating �ives yau � way to change the naiion, if <br />you think somefihing is unfair, or if yau disagree with a way things are being handled, <br />you can uafie for it to change. �or example, prohibition. Even thaugh it was revaked, it <br />was put in place by the women wha had gained the right to vote and were unhappy by <br />the way they were being abused by drunk husbands. They were unhappy, so they <br />vated. You can sae this pattern repeated throughout history almosfi �uery time we vate <br />on a new issue. Gay rights, paid sic[c leav�, K�12 budget. These are just a few of the <br />laws passed in fihe lasfi years, Th'snk of how much w� could change this natian! <br />The way we will make change is by voting, so here are same ideas on how to gefi <br />more paople to participate. My fir�t idea is fihat every person who vated in the last <br />election would get a praperty tax break. For example, in Saint Paul, MN the tax rate per <br />house is about 1.295%, so an the average hause y�u would pay $2,567 a year, 1f you <br />put my id�a into place, every person v�ho voted would get a 5 to 10 percent tax break. <br />For the house fhat paid $2,567 doilars a year, if they vated, fihey would now be paying <br />about $2,439 a year. Depending on how impartar�t the voting issue was, the tax break <br />could be raised or lawered, If you rent a property, you could still get a property tax <br />
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