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�ssay #29 <br />r�bate. This break daesn't apply to commercial real estates though, where na one lives, <br />To make up for the money thaf the citylstate had lost, you would just raise the property <br />taxes on the.properkies where residents hadn't voted. <br />My second idea invol�es tying candidate'� campaigns closer ta the lives af the <br />people wha wouid vote for or against fihem. This idea only applies if the vote is for a <br />candidate. Every housel�old would decide on samething they wanfi the government fio <br />address. They would m�il fihe idea to th� city h�ll and the mayor wauld decide with <br />his/her advisors which ten best represent the city. Each cifiy waufd then send those ta <br />the capital and the people in th� capitai would then decide the top fien that best <br />repr�sent fihe state. Far a presidential elecfiian, those wauld then be sent #a 1lVashington <br />D.C. where the candidates would chose at leasfi fiive of th�m that fihey will do or have <br />something done about. Th� more things the candidate decides to do, the more points <br />they have in the coming election. ff it's a mayoral or gubernatorial elecfian, th� ideas just <br />stop at th� city hall or state capital where #hase candidates do the same #hings. This <br />way, you and your ideas can affect fihe running of the counfiry, state, ar cifiy direcfily. <br />"The ballot [s stronger thafi the buNet" said Abraham Lincoln. In other words, <br />vating is stronger than any kind of �orce or violence in trying to change the way <br />everybody lives their fivas. If only one person votes though, it doesn't maiter, But if all <br />315.9 million af us that liue in fhe United States of America get dawn to the palls fio vote, <br />w� can firuljr make a difference. This will anly happen �hough, if we confiribute, each and <br />every one of us, ou�� ideas and opinians fio tell our country how we wish to {ive our lives. <br />