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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, June 4, 2014 <br />Page 14 <br />job site, and would typically only consist of end caps, grills and/or registers, with <br />662 <br />someone else typically fabricating the larger ductwork that would be delivered directly to <br />663 <br />a job site. <br />664 <br />Member Daire advised that he had an image in his mind of a large helicopter picking up a <br />665 <br />rooftop unit to transport it off-site. <br />666 <br />Ms. Vogel advised that their firm had done helicopter lifts, including a recent one for <br />667 <br />Costco, but advised that they were not done from their site and those sized units usually <br />668 <br />go to crane yards for storage. <br />669 <br />Member Daire advised that he had not attended the open house held by the applicant, <br />670 <br />and asked Ms. Vogel to summarize any unaddressed concerns if any remained. <br />671 <br />Ms. Vogel advised that noise and traffic concerns were addressed; and the only other <br />672 <br />issue seemed to be about odors which were attributed to other neighboring businesses <br />673 <br />and floating across the neighborhood, but would not be an issue for their operation. Ms. <br />674 <br />Vogel advised that the other questions raised by the public were similar to those of the <br />675 <br />Commission tonight: whether the scope of the business would significantly change due to <br />676 <br />improved economics. Ms. Vogel advised that their intent was to take advantage of this <br />677 <br />opportunity to expand their fabrication operation; and they would remain bound to the <br />678 <br />City’s zoning laws and restrictions, and intended that their business model would remain <br />679 <br />respectful of those and abide by them. <br />680 <br />Public Comment <br />681 <br />Lisa McCormick, Wheeler Street N <br />682 <br />Ms. McCormick advised that she had spoken with Mr. Lloyd earlier today; and having <br />683 <br />lived in the neighborhood for twenty years, and a Roseville resident for almost thirty <br />684 <br />years, in general she was supportive of granting this application. However, Ms. <br />685 <br />McCormick advised that she had some concerns about the general welfare portion and <br />686 <br />some issues in line with tonight’s discussion. <br />687 <br />While not knowing much about the sheetmetal field, Ms. McCormick advised that she had <br />688 <br />done some research, and noise and chemical use were the issues of most concern to her <br />689 <br />from that research. In researching existing fabrication shops, Ms. McCormick advised <br />690 <br />that she had found only one located adjacent to a residential neighborhood, and that was <br />691 <br />in Minneapolis, in a not so desirable neighborhood. Ms. McCormick advised that others <br />692 <br />were consistently located in industrial parks. While being satisfied with the limited use, <br />693 <br />Ms. McCormick advised that she would not support full sheetmetal fabrication, which was <br />694 <br />significant and lent credibility to concerns on noise and other issues. <br />695 <br />Ms. McCormick advised that she had attended the open house and the comments of Ms. <br />696 <br />Vogel, and applauded her efforts and accomplishments to-date; and their planned <br />697 <br />expansion based on their exceptional growth, and including a succession plan. Ms. <br />698 <br />McCormick advised that she saw this use as a long-term one and relationship in the City; <br />699 <br />and sought to ensure that any potential problems be addressed now rather than after <br />700 <br />they develop later. Ms. McCormick noted that the business was moving from a 3,000 <br />701 <br />square foot suite to a 38,000 square foot building, which was a significant increase, with <br />702 <br />expectations that their business would continue to grow, based on the size of their <br />703 <br />financial investment and long-term succession plan in place. <br />704 <br />Ms. McCormick advised that her concern coincided with other issues on tonight’s <br />705 <br />agenda, including the proposed CMU designation, and the potential that this use will <br />706 <br />become a conforming use. While more than willing to welcome this company into the <br />707 <br />neighborhood, Ms. McCormick opined that conditions should be required and controls in <br />708 <br />place now rather than later. Ms. McCormick recognized that this type of building and <br />709 <br />proposed use made sense, but advised that her only concern was that the Interim Use <br />710 <br />has conditions in place. While understanding from her discussion with Mr. Lloyd was that <br />711 <br />such conditions were not generally made with this type of permit, in her review of City <br />712 <br />Code and those discussions, Ms. McCormick opined that screening requirements of City <br />713 <br /> <br />
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