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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 16 <br />On the user side, Interim Community Development Director Collins advised that <br />a realtor or developer could simply plug in an address to find what records the <br />city had involving a land use history and other information before proceeding fur- <br />ther. Ms. Collins adinitted to being excited about the possibilities, and noted the <br />intent would be to utilize Community Developinent fee-supported funds to start <br />streamlining and collaborating as an organization. <br />Councilmember Willmus asked if other municipalities in Minnesota were using <br />this software. <br />Interim Community Development Director Collins advised she wasn't aware of <br />any in Minnesota; but her predecessor Paul Bilotta had reported that the City of <br />Corvallis, OR was now using the EXCELLA software, and she understood the <br />State of Oregon had claimed it as their official software. While used in various <br />entities, Ms. Collins stated she was not aware of any other in Minnesota. <br />With the Community Development Department being fee-based, Councilmeinber <br />Willmus questioned how tracking time in other departments is done and how net <br />costs for the new program would be tracked (e.g. training, internal users, etc.). <br />Councilmeinber Willmus noted problems experienced with some of the past soft- <br />ware applications. <br />Interim Community Development Director Collins advised that some training <br />would be included in the initial licensing fees that would depend on how that li- <br />censing was handled, and whether a percentage was applied to future permit fees, <br />such as a 1% technology fee or whatever percentage was needed for the city to re- <br />coup those costs. <br />At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Interim Community Development Di- <br />rector Collins confirmed that each department would be required to purchase its <br />own license. <br />With Councilmember Willmus asking what other software programs are available <br />or familiar to staff, Interim Community Development Director Collins reviewed <br />some of those software programs, but opined they were more watered down sys- <br />tems, often used by other municipalities, but not as attractive from a GIS stand- <br />point or in merging with the current Springbrook financial software program and <br />future benefits. <br />Addressing Demo�raphic Change <br />Youth Outreach in SE Roseville <br />Parks & Recreation Director Brokke reviewed the intent to bring programrning to <br />the Marion Street neighborhood versus them coming to the program, basically due <br />to a lack of transportation. Mr. Brokke noted this could serve as a pilot program <br />for areas of the community in the future; and was essentially targeted to children <br />when they were out of school and could be situated with group leaders on site at <br />