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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br />various parks. Mr. Brokke reviewed the "Passport to Play" program for ages 4— <br />10; and the "Leaders in Training" program for ages 11 — 15; found popular in oth- <br />er areas of the community and other communities, specifically geared toward new <br />Americans and acclimating that option with other programming in the communi- <br />ty. <br />Specific to the 1716 Marion Park property, Councilmember Willmus noted that <br />with the playground equipment grant not being received from U. S. Bank, would <br />the park development come to fruition or would it develop in some other direc- <br />tion. Councilmember Willmus noted this proposed program was broader for other <br />parks and was a bigger project. However, Councilmember Willmus asked if there <br />were other parks in the SE Roseville area having a direct connection to Karen <br />community housing that could be used; or wasn't defined to this on� parcel. <br />Parks & Recreation Director Brokke responded affirmatively that other connec- <br />tions were available and the programs didn't hinge on that one parlc, but had stat- <br />ed conversations about them. <br />From a policy perspective, Councilmember McGehee opined that this proposal <br />sounds more top down from the city and Parks & Recreation Department rather <br />than play space acquisition and types of activities; with providing input from resi- <br />dents as to what they actually wanted. Councilmember McCiehee noted discus- <br />sions had also been held that involved having a place for the elderly and others in <br />that community to be involved; as well as bringing pieces to them such as through <br />the Police Department and/or Ramsey County Health Department and Library <br />system. Councilmember McGehee opined that she did feel it was important to in- <br />tegrate this community in what the city already had to offer at other parks, but the <br />first place to start needed to be with them and their comfort level. <br />Parks & Recreation Director Brokke agreed with that point, opining that this was <br />just a small start to begin working with the Karen community and get their input, <br />building from there; with this intended as a program start to make those connec- <br />tions. <br />Mayor Roe opined that from his perspective, most of the rest of the Roseville <br />community engages in recreation programming already based on their knowledge <br />of those programs and services; but this served as an effort to be proactive and <br />bring offerings to those in the community who may not know how to engage or <br />have transportation to engage. Mayor Roe opined that his takeaway is that the <br />Parks & Recreation department, whether through new parks or upgrades to exist- <br />ing parks, is to engage people in the process versus imposing something they <br />might not find appealing. <br />Parks & Recreation Director Brokke Lonnie stated this outreach would be no dif- <br />ferent than those previous processes. <br />