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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 24 <br />Councilmember Willmus suggested the need to include the revenue side of the <br />equation for each category as well to fully understand, but didn't agree with <br />breaking out debt service. <br />Mayor Roe suggested keeping the post card simple provide an accompanying ar- <br />ticle provides more detail. Mayor Roe provided a mock-up he'd created as a sug- <br />gested part of the detail for such an article. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined the post card was straightforward and people <br />understood it; with Mayor Roe and Councilmember Willmus opining that the post <br />card didn't show enough. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding debt service and an understanding by the <br />public of what that involved (e.g. not interest on borrowing for deficit spending) <br />or how to be more transparent and explain in more detail in an accompanying ar- <br />ticle. <br />Councilmember Etten spoke in support of Mayor Roe's suggestion for more detail <br />in an article. Councilmember Etten noted that the Finance Department had <br />worked hard to create something as clear as possible; but now everyone wanted <br />different emphases; and opined that a full-page article, with a simply post card as <br />drafted by staff, would address all concerns and allow sufficient pieces for the <br />public to have the full picture. <br />Mayor Roe noted that the post card had served well in getting people talking and <br />raising questions. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed with the simplicity of the post card and elabora- <br />tion in the article; noting the communications deadline for staff. <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that the absolute drop-dead date for the printer <br />for the newsletter was June 1, 2016. <br />Additional discussion ensued as to additional information or categories for the <br />post card, including debt service clarification versus operating costs with dissen- <br />tion on how to split up some of those functions (e.g. City Hall); median value <br />home identification and share of city taxes for expenses/revenue each year; and <br />the goal of the post card to seek comment from the public on priority spending of <br />taxpayer monies or any areas suggesting a shift in focus. <br />Finance Director Miller sought clarification of what the City Council was seeking <br />for feedback from residents: to drive what the City Council presented to them or <br />to evoke or solicit their comments. Mr. Miller clarified that the post card was of <br />the City Council's design, not his, and he wanted to sure of their intent, but <br />at this point admitted he was struggling to find a consensus. <br />