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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br />Councilmember McGehee asked if the City's Water Fund fully funded through <br />generated user fees was typical of what he found with other cities or if there was <br />another way to look at that fund similar to what he'd addressed for the Golf <br />Course Fund. <br />Mr. Mayer stated that he found Water Funds to typically be funded by user fees in <br />most cities; but when capital needs arise, the question then became how best to <br />approach that. Typically, Mr. Mayer reported that Roseville was unique in cover- <br />ing capital needs exclusively through user fees without incurring debt or using <br />special assessments. Mr. Mayer noted that this was determined by individual city <br />philosophies and the availability of other means to fund capital needs (e.g. grants, <br />debt financing, etc.). With Roseville's "pay-as-you-go" philosophy, which he <br />found a good thing, Mr. Mayer noted it did result in funding challenges, such as <br />the city found in 2014 when it undertook a significant project. At those times, <br />Mr. Mayer noted that the city needed to look to other funding resources (e.g. <br />Storm Drainage Fund). <br />Mayor Roe clarified that the City made a policy decision in 2014 to pay off the in- <br />ternal loan between the Water Fund and another fund; and noted that all of those <br />costs had not been incurred in 2014, but had included paying off the internal loan <br />from previous years. <br />McGehee moved, Etten seconded, acceptance of the 2015 Annual Financial Re- <br />port as presented. <br />Councilmember Etten thanked city staff for their excellent work, expressing his <br />personal appreciation of another clean bill of health. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />12. Public Hearings and Action Consideration <br />13. Budget Items <br />14. Business Items (Action Items) <br />a. Organizational Budget Priorities <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that, in an effort to have a more systematic ap- <br />proach for services provided and budget requests, staff reviewed the City's inis- <br />sion statement, community aspirations, the 2014 community survey, and 2016 <br />City Council priority planning document (PPP) as part of their 2017 internal <br />budget process. <br />