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<br />4/25/16 <br />COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING 02-11-2016: ZONING NOTIFICATION TASKFORCE <br />REPORT <br />74 <br /> <br />9.2 Policy: The City should reassess the notification language and format so as to maximize <br />75 <br />understandability and convey their importance as official local governmental notices with <br />76 <br />Work Now in Progress <br />77 <br />Rationale: To assure that recipients understand what they are being notified of and the impact <br />78 <br />of any zoning change, variance, change in the zoning code, or related proposal, terms such as <br />79 <br />interim use permit, conditional use, variance, should not be relied upon to convey the intent of <br />80 <br />the notice, and every effort should be made to use language which is easily understood by a <br />81 <br />high school graduate. <br />82 <br />The City should engage renters, businesses both leased and owned, and non-single-family <br />83 <br />family homeowners as it does homeowners, in its notification procedures. <br />84 <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />