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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 23, 2016 <br />Page 14 <br />cilmember McGehee opined that this development proposal was a good fit for the <br />PUD process; and if the PUD ordinance recently adopted was already found to <br />have insufficient flexibility to consider a project such as this, a text amendment to <br />the PUD ordinance seemed a simpler thing to accomplish, allowing the City <br />Council to make a determination on this and future cases. Councilmember <br />McGehee noted the support for this type of project in the community, but also <br />noted the need for conditions applicable to a 62-unit development but not applica- <br />ble citywide; addressing this specific site without changing the rules for the entire <br />community. <br />In response, Mayor Roe stated that he was personally supportive to change the <br />rules across the board for this type of use, since it had come up on several occa- <br />sions with a need for more density on a site and not necessarily adding a lot of <br />other issues to surrounding properties. Mayor Roe expressed his concern in hav- <br />ing a developer need to jump hoops or meet standards for a PUD simply to gain a <br />little more density. <br />Councilmember Willmus stated his concerns with amending the Table that may <br />have long-term applications and affect how this or any facility may change over <br />the life of the infrastructure in place. Councilmember Willmus noted the frequen- <br />cy of seeing apartments constructed as market rate and then converting to condo- <br />miniums, creating his concern in amending the Table with such specificity as <br />suggested by Mayor Roe. <br />Mayor Roe noted that these units were smaller and not as appealing for conver- <br />sion, which could be a fiirther consideration as well. <br />Mr. Paschke questioned whether this could qualify as group living under state <br />statute; and noted the proposed financing from various agencies to develop this as <br />affordable senior housing and the specific regulations for that financing. <br />Mayor Roe agreed that his suggestion may not suffice since he had incorrectly <br />thought this proposal was for an assisted living type facility, and not for afford- <br />able senior housing which is what is actually proposed. Mayor Roe thanked staff <br />for setting him straight and withdrew his text amendment suggestion. <br />As a point of information, City Manager Trudgeon noted that the PUD ordinance, <br />specific to density, allowed for only up to a 10% increase in residential density, <br />and with 42 units allowed, that would only increase units by another 4 units for a <br />total of 46 units. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the developer had already stated that <br />their proposal wasn't feasible for anything under 60 units. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of tabling this request pending further <br />investigation of how to make it work short- and long-term. Councilmember <br />McGehee noted that this site was ideal for seniors to access amenities without <br />
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