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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 23, 2016 <br />Page 15 <br />driving; and she spoke in favor of this location, but not as HDR-2 zoning designa- <br />tion. <br />Mayor Roe noted the options included tabling or extending, depending on the <br />land use review deadline and process. <br />Councilmember Willmus noted the review process could be extended by the City <br />Council in writing for up to 60-days. <br />City Attorney Gaughan agreed, as per state statute, the City Council has the abil- <br />ity to extend the review period, as long as their specific reasons for the extension <br />are provided to the applicant in writing. <br />From a staff perspective, Mr. Paschke stated that he was unaware of any easy pro- <br />cess to accomplish what the City Council appeared to be seeking, whether timing <br />was involved or not. Mr. Paschke advised that a number of things would need to <br />be analyzed and taken into consideration to patch in a text amendment as dis- <br />cussed, or for any other process. Mr. Paschke noted that a number of area resi- <br />dents attended the developer's open house but had not subsequently shown up at <br />the public hearing at the Planning Commission; and suggested that may be an in- <br />dication of their lack of concern with the development. While understanding con- <br />cerns with future development or redevelopment, Mr. Paschke opined that it <br />would not be possible to get a density of 250 units on this site even under today's <br />city code, opining any developinent would be well below that number of units and <br />may look dramatically different than this proposed development (e.g. parking and <br />the structure itsel fl, but still be subject to the same limitations. Mr. Paschke rec- <br />ognized a significant amount of fear he was hearing from the City Council about <br />the potential for increased density, but stated he could not see any density as high <br />as the 250-units addressed in one of the traffic study scenarios. <br />Councilinember McGehee opined that those residents attending the open house <br />weren't thinking long-term or ramifications if this proposed development didn't <br />come to fruition, especially if the city was left with a parcel zoned HDR-2 and its <br />implications. <br />Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, DENIAL of the HDR-2 rezoning re- <br />quest based on the findings that the intensity of such zoning use could result <br />in a greater overall density, height: and setbacks on that site, making it a con- <br />cern due to its proximity to surrounding single-family properties. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke to the points made by Councilmember Willmus <br />and in agreement with them. Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in <br />having the applicant and city planning staff work on ways to make this type of <br />development work for the developer and the city, through some other method than <br />rezoning the parcel to HDR-2. <br />
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