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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 23, 2016 <br />Page 16 <br />Councilmember Laliberte admitted she was struggling with this, but concurred <br />with her colleagues: that it was a good proposal and a good addition for Roseville, <br />but created discomfort for her in the build forward design standards resulting in a <br />very tall building right up along the road. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that city code would require that the building be set back 30' <br />from the street. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated she was in favor of a project like this in Rose- <br />ville, but not with the potential intensity of use on this parcel in the future. Coun- <br />cilmember Laliberte stated she was open to other potential scenarios, but in this <br />case, she would support the findings in the motion. <br />Councilmember Etten asked staff if there was a way to put a maximum on a struc- <br />ture in HDR-2 zoning, as it related to underground and/or surface parking. <br />Mr. Paschke responded that it would depend on the size of the units and commu- <br />nity space and other amenities of the facility, all project-dependent. On this par- <br />ticular site, Mr. Paschke stated that he could not define a specific maximum den- <br />sity. <br />Mayor Roe spoke in opposition to the motion to deny the rezoning request, while <br />understanding the findings and concern about future development or redevelop- <br />ment on the parcel if this project doesn't move forward. However, if the project <br />doesn't move forward, Mayor Roe noted the City still retained the option to <br />change HDR-2 requirements or initiate its own rezoning of the property. If the <br />City Council is of the mind that this appears to be a solution for this project going <br />forward, but concern remains that some other development may push the HDR-2 <br />requirements, there is in the code already a footnote available to help mitigate the <br />situation. Mayor Roe stated that he was more uncomfortable with this discussion <br />than with other potential paths (e.g. PUD process or his suggested text amend- <br />ment) and therefore would oppose the motion. <br />Councilmember Etten stated he was in agreement with Mayor Roe. While sup- <br />porting the reasons stated for denial, Councilmember Etten opined that Mr. <br />Paschke's point about the maximum potential density that could develop and <br />Mayor Roe's point that if this development proposal fell through, the City could <br />move to reinstate HDR-1 zoning, it was sufficient for him to noted that this was <br />such an important project for Roseville, he would oppose the motion to deny. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of the motion to deny in the hopes <br />that the city would work with the developer to come up with a solution to make <br />the project work. <br />
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