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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, .Tune 13, 2016 <br />Page 7 <br />sion. Councilmeinber Laliberte noted considerable community concern related to <br />the project that residents apparently felt had come out of nowhere. Councilmem- <br />ber Laliberte noted the need for more clarification from the City Council's per- <br />spective and explanation of their rationale in moving forward. <br />To provide additional context, Mayor Roe reviewed the City Council meeting in � <br />closed session several weeks ago to consider this pro�erty that had been put on_ ; <br />_ _ _ _ - - _— — -- _ --- — - <br />- the market, with the current owner offering the-city the first-option to acquire it. - � <br />At that time, Mayor Roe advised that it had been brought to the City Council to <br />consider the acquisition, and as per State Statute, the City Council had met in ; <br />closed session to consider making an offer on the property, Mayor Roe further � <br />clarified the closed nature of that consideration was for the purpose of forming a <br />potential offer, and to not make such an offer known in a public forum to disad- ! <br />vantage the city making an offer. Mayor Roe noted that these parcels located in <br />this southwestern part of Roseville had been reviewed as part of the 2010 Park � <br />Master Plan and subsequent Park Renewal Program, and identified as possible fu- � <br />ture park land opportunities at that time. � <br />� <br />Referencing the displayed map specifically, Councilmember Etten identified the <br />"circles" and their distances from green space or public use land, noting that this <br />land is outside every existing circle, and would serve to bring more people closer <br />to available parlc land. Based on the concept of the map, Councilmember Etten <br />opined that this acquisition would ensure more people within that area could be <br />tied into the parlc systems in that area of Roseville. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated that she had originally been opposed to this ac- <br />quisition, and that opposition had been reinforced with several neighborhood <br />meetings since then. Councilmeinber McGehee stated that most people in the <br />southwest area of Roseville more commonly identified the vacant parcel across <br />the street rather than these parcels. She stated that this parcel (2025 County Road <br />B) had been brought to the attention of the Parks & Recreation Commission and <br />Department, but for reasons she couldn't understand, was apparently found unde- <br />sirable. Councilmember McGehee opined that every city park did not need to fa- <br />cilitate recreation land and ballfields, which apparently was the rationale of one <br />commissioner who stated the preferred parcel (2025 County Road B) wasn't big <br />enough to toss a ball. Councilmember McGehee stated that the way the street was <br />set up, and with the city continuing to work on connecting the community through <br />pathways and sidewalks, the same distance of'/ mile to reach the preferred parcel <br />was not problematic. Councilmember McGehee stated that most residents could <br />access green space, ballfields, and tennis courts elsewhere within a 1/ mile radius, <br />including at the adjacent Brimhall School when school was not in session, as well <br />as those same activities available at Falcon Heights Community Park. All of <br />these areas are currently easily and safely accessible using Roseville-installed <br />pathway connections. However, Councilmember McGehee opined that the one <br />piece still missing was natural parkland in this southwest area of Roseville, which <br />
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