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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 21 <br />Mayor Roe agreed that park recycling was an important next phase for Roseville, <br />and supported incorporating it into this new contract. As outlined by staff, Mayor <br />Roe also agreed it made sense to look at the variety of ways to facilitate that ser- <br />vice; noting there were no objections from individual Councilmembers as to using <br />that approach. Based on the top performers and scoring indicated in staff's <br />spreadsheets, Mayor Roe noted it looked favorable for the city for annual costs <br />and with park recycling but without the city owning carts. Mayor Roe agreed <br />with Councilmember McGehee that the city had enough items on its CIP spread- <br />sheet without adding recycling cart ownership to it. While it may be a lower cost <br />to the city initially, Mayor Roe opined the benefit to the city long-term was for the <br />vendor to own and maintain the carts. Regarding a three year versus five year <br />contract, Mayor Roe stated he had no preference, but thought the longer-term con- <br />tract may prove more beneficial. <br />Councilmember Laliberte expressed interest in this issue having another week for <br />the community to review and provide input, and then take formal action at next <br />week's City Council meeting. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the timing for contract negotiation and other logis- <br />tics between now and year-end; whether additional public comment would be <br />forthcoming; and recognizing the public input provided in the recent community <br />survey supporting the decision at this point. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of taking action tonight, based on the <br />lack of public comment received since the item was initially included on last <br />week's agenda, even though not heard until tonight. <br />Mayor Roe noted pricing details had not been available to the public before to- <br />night's meeting. <br />McGehee moved, Etten seconded, authorizing staff to negotiate a contract with <br />selected contractor, Eureka Recycling for a five-year contract term including the <br />parks recycling component, and ownership of the carts by the vendor; and further <br />directing staff to return to the City Council for final approval of the contract at a <br />future date. <br />Councilmember Etten recognized the community survey results; and also noted <br />there was no major change or cost in this contract, while providing increased ser- <br />vices. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated she wasn't in disagreement with the recommen- <br />dation; but was simply asking for a deferred process before approval; and for that <br />reason, would not support the motion based on that process only. <br />