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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 22 <br />Mayor Roe stated that given the timing and apparent lack of interest in public par- <br />ticipation to-date, he would support the motion. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br />Nays: Laliberte. <br />Motion carried. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 8:44 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br />8:52 p.m. <br />15. Business Items — Presentations/Discussions <br />a. Authorization to Develop a Contract with Accela for a New Permitting, In- <br />spections, Code Enforcement and Licensing System <br />Interim Community Development Director Kari Collins introduced this item, as <br />part of the arganizational priorities included in the City Manager Recommended <br />budget for 2017. Ms. Collins noted staff had spent parts of the last two years re- <br />viewing various software programs for e-permitting solutions and to improve <br />workflow. Ms. Collins deferred to Mr. Koepp for his review of why staff chose <br />this option to recommend and how it would be intended for integration. <br />GIS Technician Joel Koepp <br />As detailed in the RCA, Mr. Koepp reviewed the city's current permitting, inspec- <br />tions, and code enforcement software and various ages of those programs. Mr. <br />Koepp noted the department retained one computer station far historical permit <br />research to access past digital permits. <br />Mr. Koepp noted there were many vendors in this software realm; and reviewed <br />their benefits and limitations. Mr. Koepp displayed the City of Rochester, MN as <br />an example of an Accela software user; the recommended vendor of choice by <br />staff. Mr. Koepp reviewed the potential benefits for the city, residents and con- <br />tractors in being able to search the status of permits through a web portal. Mr. <br />Koepp also noted the benefits for those larger permit and land use applications in- <br />volving multiple departments for review, with the current system providing for no <br />central digitalization of that work flow. <br />Mr. Koepp noted that the city's legacy data could be brought into this one system <br />and no longer require maintenance of those older systems, which had spurred staff <br />as a priority to improve overall efficiencies and address the responsiveness — or <br />lack thereof — frequently experienced with those older systems. Mr. Koepp noted <br />these inefficiencies currently impacted not only Community Development De- <br />partment staff, but also that of the Information Technology Department staff and <br />future viability concerns with that older software with no appreciable updates or <br />improvements available. <br />