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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 26 <br />Specific to the License Center, Councilmember Laliberte noted past discussion <br />for agreements with auto dealerships and the city. <br />Finance Director Chris Miller <br />Finance Director Miller responded that staff had talked about it internally, and <br />with the State of MN, but had been unable to-date to find any legal authority or <br />incentive to do so. Mr. Miller opined that dealers would continue to shop around, <br />and have the ability to leave on a whim as they chose. Mr. Miller suggested the <br />best way to retain their business was to provide them with a level of customer <br />service unavailable to them elsewhere. Mr. Miller noted the Roseville License <br />Center currently served eleven dealers, higher than at any point in its history. <br />Mayor Roe thanked City Manager Trudgeon and staff for their feedback; and <br />asked that this mid-year update be retained as standard practice and part of the <br />process for future budgets. <br />Fire Department Emergency Management and Safety and Risk Management <br />Presentation <br />Fire Chief Tim O'Neill introduced tonight's presentations and deferred to Assis- <br />tant Fire Chief David Brosnahan for this annual update. <br />Emergency Mana ement <br />Assistant Chief Brosnahan summarized this aspect new to Fire Department man- <br />agement, <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of nationwide encouragement for in- <br />frastructure providers to get these utilities underground. <br />Safetv and Risk Mana ement <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Assistant Chief Brosnahan advised <br />that the Fire Department currently offered hands only CPR training, and in the <br />near future was looking to offer a monthly training for the general public consist- <br />ing of a 1 to 1.5 hour training format. <br />City Manager Trudgeon publically thanked the Fire Department for the time, and <br />especially thanked Assistant Chief Brosnahan for taking on the safety mantel and <br />improving it, both the compliance and training aspects. Mr. Trudgeon personally <br />thanked them for volunteering to take it on, and recognized the amount of paper- <br />work and tracking necessary to address this serious component of management, <br />opining their department was a perfect fit for it. <br />d. Fire Department City Code Update Presentation <br />As detailed in the RCA, Chief O'Neill noted the need to update all facets of the <br />Department's Prevention and Inspection program and city code as it applied to the <br />